A Java based GUI application that for a given set of Attributes and Functional Dependencies can identify candidate keys and check the highest normal form it satisfies. If the highest normal form is X it can decompose the given relation to satisfy X+1 Normal Form upto BCNF Normal Form.
The application has been made using NetBeans IDE 8.2 and written entirely in Java (v. 1.8.0_231).The source code for the project can be found in the src/mymod1 directory. The source code has been appropriately commented wherever found necessary.
- Hritik Singh Kushwah
- Bhavish Pahwa (https://github.com/bp-high)
- Shubham Asopa (https://github.com/sammyasopa)
- Smiket Barodia (https://github.com/Smket99)
Below is the preview of different functionalities of the application.
- All the input Attributes should be seperated by a comma ','.
- For each functional dependency the left attributes and the right attributes should be seperated using a single arrow '->'.
- New functional dependencies should be added from a new line ("Press Enter").
The candidate keys can be obtained using the KEYS button.
To obtain the Highest Normal Form use the HNF button.
For decomposing the given relation to X+1 form use Decompose button. Only applicable upto to BCNF form.
For closure of all possible combinations of the given attributes can be obtained from Closure button.