Data analysis of datasets of the government initiative Kisan Call Center (KCC) using prominent data mining techniques.To resolve Farmer’s query, we are going to analyze the data set and answer some fundamental questions like how should local bodies enact to resolve Farmer’s concern, which crops are not suitable for particular regions and get some insights on the agricultural domain of the country. To analyze the data, we have used Python 3.7, IDE- Jupyter Notebook, Pandas, sklearn and various other Python Libraries.
The dataset for analysis has been taken from primarily focusing on states Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir and Tamil Nadu for the year 2019. The datasets can be accessed from the 'data' directory also. All the datasets are in '.csv' format.
- Smiket Barodia (
- Hritik Singh Kushwah (
- Akshit (