Implementation of safety-augmentation and three numerical benchmark examples (stirtank reactor, quadcopter, and chain mass system). The paper describing the theory can be found on arXiv.
You need acados
to run parts of this code.
Please follow the official acados installation instructions. This code was tested with acados v0.1.9
You can install other Python dependencies via pip:
pip3 install -r examples/requirements.txt
pip3 install -r soeampc/requirements.txt
You find the numerical examples from the paper in the examples
folder. Each example has it's own
file with instructions how to run them:
You can download the training and testing datasets used in the paper together with the pretrained model from Zenodo.
Extract the datasets into the examples/{system}/datasets/
folder, e.g., for the quadcopter example, you should get an examples/quadcopter/datasets/quadcopter_N_9600000
Extract the pretrained neural networks into the examples/{system}/models/
folder, e.g., for the quadcopter example, you should get an examples/quadcopter/models/10-200-400-600-600-400-200-30_mu=0.12_20230104-232806
The Dockerfile in this repository allows you to run the code without installing acados or other Python dependencies natively. To use the Container, you first have build it by running:
docker build -t soeampc .
Next, run the container and mount this repository:
docker run -it --name soeampc -v $(pwd):/soeampc soeampc bash
You can now run all the example commands inside the container.