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Childcare Enrollment Management System

Deployed App: CCEEMS

  • This is developed using Flask as the backend and HTML, CSS and JavaScript as the frontend.
  • Python version 3.10.12 is required to build and run this application.
  • If you plan to deploy this in heroku, please see Heroku's supported python runtimes and stacks Heroku's Stacks & Python Support. Check the same for AWS as well.

Install postgres in your local

  • Installing PostgreSQL on macOS

    • brew install postgresql@16
    • brew services start postgresql@16
    • add the PostgreSQL binaries directory to your PATH by adding the following line to your shell profile file (such as ~/.zshrc if you're using Zsh): export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/postgresql@16/bin:$PATH"
    • source ~/.zshrc
    • create a new database to setup local
  • Installing PostgreSQL on Linux (Ubuntu)

    $ sudo sh -c 'echo "deb $(lsb_release -cs)-pgdg main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
    $ wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
    $ sudo apt-get update
    $ sudo apt-get -y install postgresql
  • Create a User in PostgreSQL for Local Setup

    Open a terminal window. Log in to PostgreSQL using:

    psql -U postgres

    Create a new user

    CREATE USER <your_username> WITH PASSWORD '<your_password>';

    Create a database

    CREATE DATABASE <your_database>;

    Provide all privileges to your user for your database

    ALTER USER <your_username> WITH SUPERUSER;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE <your_database> TO <your_username>;

    Type \q to exit

Create your local connection string

Copy this string for use in the later steps for the local setup


Replace <your_username>, <your_password>, and <your_database> with your chosen values

Steps to setup in local

  1. Clone this repo using git clone
  2. Install postgres and create the database and the user in your local machine following install-postgres-in-your-local
  3. Configure environment and configuration files: In the terminal type this.
    1. export FLASK_ENV=development FLASK_SECRET_KEY=test DATABASE_URL={connectionString}
    2. To permanently seed these values, add this command in your bashrc file. See this for adding variables to .bashrc
  4. Install the dependencies - pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Install pre-commit - pre-commit install
  6. Run migrations - flask --app main db upgrade
  7. Run seeds - python
  8. Run the application using flask --app main run
  9. Use login details -
    • Username -
    • Password - Password@123
  10. Pre-commit hooks automatically format the code using autopep8 when you do git commit. Additionally, please format the code to follow the pep8 standards and check your code quality.

Steps to Deploy (Heroku)

  1. Clone this repo using git clone
  2. Ensure the Procfile has the line web: gunicorn main:app. This means the file will be used to run the flask application called app
  3. Login to Heroku using heroku login. Verify your credentials in the browser. Use heroku -i to login without using the browser
  4. Create a heroku app heroku apps:create appName If successful the command output will show the git repo url for this app. Make a note of it, it will be in the form `
  5. Add the heroku git branch as a remote to your cloned repository. In the terminal type this git remote add heroku [you heroku app's git url]
  6. Add the Postgresql addon for your app, using this link Heroku Postgress Add-on (Must be logged in to Heroku)
  7. Go to your app's resource page, go to Dashboard.
    • Then click on your appname
    • Go to the resources tab.
    • Then click on Heroku Postgresql
    • On this page, go to settings and click on view credentials. Copy the database connection URI. It starts with postgres://
  8. Using the terminal set the environment variables in Heroku for the flask application using this command heroku config:set FLASK_APP=main FLASK_ENV=production FLASK_SECRET_KEY=test DATABASE_URL={your_connection_URI} --app yourHerokuAppName
  9. Push this repo to the heroku remote by doing git push heroku main. Wait for the deployment to finish.
  10. Run the migrations in flask using this command heroku run flask --app main db upgrade --app yourHerokuAppName
  11. Perform the seeding with this command heroku run python --app yourHerokuAppName
  12. Type heroku open to open your app's homepage.

Steps to run unit tests

  1. Setup the project following the steps in steps-to-setup-in-local
  2. Setup the Test DB Create another database called test, and grant all privileges to your user for this database. Follow the same steps Setup PSQL User Copy the connection string accordingly.
  3. In a terminal, type this export FLASK_ENV=test FLASK_SECRET_KEY=test DATABASE_URL_TEST={connectionURIForTestDB} Seed the DATABASE_URL_TEST permanently into .bashrc if required. See this How to set env variables in .bashrc
  4. To run with coverage - coverage run -m unittest discover -s tests
  5. Generate coverage report - coverage report -m $(find app -name "*.py" ! -path "app/seeds/*.py")

Steps to run behave tests

  1. Setup the project following the steps in steps-to-setup-in-local
  2. In a terminal set these variables export FLASK_ENV=test FLASK_SECRET_KEY=test DATABASE_URL_TEST={connectionURIForTestDB} If you haven't seeded the DATABASE_URL_TEST in your .bashrc you must provide it here in the command
  3. Run tests - behave
  4. To run with coverage - coverage run -m behave

Code formatting

To automatically format the code to follow the pep8 style guide, run the following command:

autopep8 --in-place --recursive app

Code Quality Check (Pylint)

To check the code quality using pylint, run the following command:

pylint app

Whom To Contact for Troubleshooting

  • If you face any issues during the setup contact one of us
    • Bharath Kumar Ravichandran (bharath[at]tamu[dot]edu)
    • Tanmai Harish (tanmai[at]tamu[dot]edu)