Keep on developing.
git: git://
- concat
- difference
- differenceBy
- differenceWith
- fromPairs
- head
- first
- fill
- findIndex
- indexOf
- slice
- flatten
- flattenDeep
- flattenDepth
- chunk
- flatMap
- flatMapDeep
- flatMapDepth
- map
- each
- forEach
- forEachRight
- groupBy
- after
- before
- defer
- negate
- once
- overArgs
- memoize
- wrap
- isNull
- isEven
- isOdd
- toString
- castArray
- eq
- clone
- cloneWith
- cloneDeep
- cloneDeepWith
- get
- pick // The type of key should be String, fix for other type later
- pickBy
- toPairs
- range
- rangeRight
- times