training for VOC dataset
The code is an extension of the CornerNet-lite network dataloader
1.if you want to train VOC dataset,please add the code in ~/core/db/
2.change ~/config/CornerNet_Squeeze.json
"system": {
"dataset": "VOC",
"categories": x, #x is your dataset categories
- change ~/core/models/ in 94-95 rows
tl_heats = nn.ModuleList([self._pred_mod(X) for _ in range(stacks)]) #x is your dataset categories
br_heats = nn.ModuleList([self._pred_mod(X) for _ in range(stacks)])
self._voc_cls_ids = [ 1, .....] #give your ids
self._voc_cls_names = [ 'person', ....] # give your labels
voc_dir = os.path.join('/home/rock/CornerNet-Lite-master/data/', "VOC2012") # the path of your dataset
self._data_dir = os.path.join(voc_dir, 'JPEGImages') # training iamge
self.xml_path = os.path.join(voc_dir, "Annotations") # the path of xml file