This is an R package based on Neal McKee’s penumbra color palette.
From the original:
Penumbra is a mathematically balanced colour scheme constructed in a perceptually uniform colour space with base colours inspired by the shades of colour occuring in nature due to the light of the sun and the sky. It cleanly separates the perceptual properties of colours while optimally utilising the available colour space of typical displays.
The accent colour palettes also lend themselves to encoding quantitative information in data visualisations.
You can install the development version of penumbra like so:
par(bg = penumbra::base_pal(n = 3)[3])
palette(penumbra::color_pal(n = 7))
plot(1:7, pch = 19, cex = 5, col = 1:7)
These palettes are not suitable for people with colourblindness. So, only use them for your own exploratory work, not for producing display graphics that other people have to see.