Online notebooks collection based on Markdown.
- 404 - As a user/anon I can see a nice 404 page when I go to a page that doesnโt exist so I know it was my fault
- 500 - As a user/anon I can see a nice error page when the super team screws it up so I know that is not my fault
- # - As a user/anon I can # on the webpage so I can have an account and access all Markhub funcionalities.
- Login - As a user I can log in to the application.
- Logout - As a user I can log out from the aplication
- List mdBooks - As a user I can see my mdBooks collection so I can work on them.
- Create mdBooks- As a user I can create mdBooks so I can add mdNotes to it.
- Delete mdBooks- As a user I can delete my mdBooks and all notes in it.
- Create mdNotes- As a user I can create mdNotes in md. format.
- Edit mdNotes- As a user I can edit my mdNotes.
- Delete mdNotes- As a user I can delete my mdNotes.
- View Profile - As a user I can see my profile page where I can check and edit my info.
- View help - As a user I can see a help page with info about how the application works.
- As a user I can share and edit notes with other users.
Method | Route | Functionality |
GET | api/auth/me | Check session status |
POST | api/auth/# | Log in user to app and set user to session (Body: username, password) |
POST | api/auth/# | Register user to app and set user to session (Body: username, password) |
POST | api/auth/logout | Log out user from app and remove session |
Method | Route | Functionality |
GET | api/myMdBooks | Get all books from logged in user (Id from session - Populate mdNotes id ) |
POST | api/mdBooks | Create new mdBook (Body: title) |
PUT | api/mdBooks/:id | Edit mdBook (Body id, title) |
DELETE | api/mdBooks/:id | Delete mdBook and all notes (Body: id mdBook) |
POST | api/mdBooks/:id/new | Create new mdNote (body: id, mdNote title, mdNote content) |
Method | Route | Functionality |
DELETE | api/mdNotes/:id | Delete mdNote (body: id mdNote ) |
PUT | api/mdNotes/:id | Edit mdNote (body: id, title, content) |
Method | Route | Functionality |
getUser() | Get info from currentUser in frontend | |
PUT | api/user/:id | Edit current user info |
- email: String
- password: String
- userMdBooks: [{
type: ObjectId, ref: mdBooks
- title: string
- mdNotes: [{
type: ObjectId, ref: mdNotes
- title: string
- content: string
- / (Login/#) (require anon)
- /Home (require user)
- /mdBooks (require user)
- /profile (require user)
- /help (require user)
- 404
- #/#
- Home
- MdBooks
- My Profile
- Help
- Login/# form
- Navbar/sidebar
- Mdbooks-list
- list-item (drop down)
- mdNote markdown
- mdNote Html
- profile details
- edit profile details
- Auth Service
- auth.login(user)
- auth.#(user)
- auth.logout()
- Profile Service
- mdBooks Service
- mdBooks.edit(id)
- mdBooks.delete(id)
- mdBooks.getAll()
- mdNotes Service
- mdNotes.getOne(id)
- mdNotes.edit(id)
- mdNotes.delete(id)
- if logged in cannot access login/# page
- if not logged in cannot access all pages in app
Client: Server: