Selenium-based bot to scrape data from Instagram posts.
Clone the repository and download Selenium ChromeDriver (WebDriver for Chrome) .
Create a new virtualenv
On linux terminal:
virtualenv -p python3 venv
Activate the environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the scrapper filling the following parameters:
- login (-l) : Your instagram login password (-p): Your instagram
- password search (-s): The hashtag you want to search number of
- scrolls (-s): Number of times you want to scroll the instagram search
- page output (-o): Filename do save the output
python -l exampleuser -p mypassword -c chromedriver_linux64/chromedriver -s braziliansoccer -n 2 -o braziliansoccer.csv
The application is going to open a webpage and start to scrap the data. First, the login and the search will be done, after that, the bot will scroll the screen n times to save the posts links and then access one by one to get the data.
When finished, the application is going to save a .csv file containing the following data for each post:
- date: Post date
- type: Type of the post (image or video)
- user: User post
- subtitles: Post subtitles
- image_description: Image description autogenerated by instagram
- likes: Number of likes (for images)
- views: Number of views (for videos)
- rank: Post ranking (defined by instagram)
- link: Post link