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ES6 JavaScript library aimed to ease up communication with HTTP-based RESTful APIs


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ES6 Rest Client

The ES6 Rest Client is a JavaScript library aimed to ease up communication with HTTP-based RESTful APIs via an highly semantic, fluent interface that leverages ECMAScript 6 language features such as GlobalFetch, Promise and the meta-programming capabilities of the Proxy object, allowing routes to be specified by simply accessing dynamic properties on the client object itself:

import catalogue from './node_modules/es6-rest-client/dist/client.es6.js';


}); // results in: HTTP GET /products/books

Required ES6 features



npm install es6-rest-client


bower install es6-rest-client


Import the module referenced in the package.json file's jsnext:main field and employ an ES6-aware bundling tool in the build process of your project; a transpiled, UMD version of ES6 Rest Client is however provided in the dist folder for testing purposes.

ES6 modules (recommended)

import restClient from './node_modules/es6-rest-client/dist/client.es6.js';
. . .

UMD (global object)

<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <title>Sample ES6 Rest Client Project</title>
      <script src="node_modules/es6-rest-client/dist/client.umd.js"></script>
         'use strict';
         const restClient = ES6RestClient.default;
         . . .
. . .


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Sample ES6 Rest Client Project</title>
        <script src=""></script>
            'use strict';

                baseUrl: 'node_modules',
                paths: {
                    ES6RestClient: 'es6-rest-client/dist/client.umd'

            require(['ES6RestClient'] , function(ES6RestClient) {
                const restClient = ES6RestClient.default;
                . . .
. . .

UMD (CommonJS)

'use strict';
const restClient = require('es6-rest-client')['default'];
. . .


Note: although being written in plain JavaScript, this library adopts the TypeScript interface definition standard to document its features.

Public properties

name chainable getter returns description
[any] yes RestClient Any property getter invoked on the client instance causes an equally named, slash separated route fragment to be incrementally stored in the current configuration cache.

Public methods

Version 3.0.2 introduces public methods keys as computed symbols in order to achieve higher encapsulation; member functions are now accessed by selectively importing and referencing the corresponding entities:

import catalogue, { POST } from './node_modules/es6-rest-client/dist/client.es6.js';

catalogue.products.books[POST](JSON.stringify({ title: "Commodore 64 User's Guide" }));


name chainable description
[SETTINGS](obj?:Object):RestClient yes Overrides client instance default settings with user defined values, persisting them in the configuration cache across subsequent calls, unless explicitly either modified or reset.
[INIT](obj?:RequestInit):RestClient yes Allows to pass an initialization object to the underlying GlobalFetch.fetch method call.
[RESET](settings?:Boolean):RestClient yes Restores client to its defaults, except for the settings; passing a truthy value as an argument also reestablishes the latter.

HTTP verbs

name chainable description
[GET](params?:Object):Promise<Response> no Starts the process of fetching a resource via HTTP GET. Any object passed as argument is serialized into querystring.
[HEAD](params?:Object):Promise<Response> no Starts the process of fetching a resource via HTTP HEAD. Any object passed as argument is serialized into querystring.
[JSONP](params?:Object):Promise<any> no Starts the process of fetching a JSON-encoded resource via JSONP technique. Any object passed as argument is serialized into querystring.
[POST](payload?:Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | USVString):Promise<Response> no Starts the process of fetching a resource via HTTP POST. Any object passed as argument is sent as payload.
[PUT](payload?:Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | USVString):Promise<Response> no Starts the process of fetching a resource via HTTP PUT. Any object passed as argument is sent as payload.
[DELETE](payload?:Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | USVString):Promise<Response> no Starts the process of fetching a resource via HTTP DELETE. Any object passed as argument is sent as payload.
[PATCH](payload?:Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | USVString):Promise<Response> no Starts the process of fetching a resource via HTTP PATCH. Any object passed as argument is sent as payload.
[OPTIONS](payload?:Blob | BufferSource | FormData | URLSearchParams | USVString):Promise<Response> no Starts the process of fetching a resource via HTTP OPTIONS. Any object passed as argument is sent as payload.

Note: invoking a non-existent method on the ES6 Rest Client causes its name to be parsed as a route fragment and the [GET]() method to be implicitly called with any arguments given in the former (see the example above).

Settings object

key default description
method?:String 'GET' Default HTTP verb; it can be set to one of the following values: 'GET', 'HEAD', 'JSONP', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH', 'OPTIONS'.
baseURI?:String '/' Remote resource base URI; it must end with a trailing slash.
params?:Object {} An object whose key/value pairs are serialized to querystring; values can be either primitive types or function expressions.
jsonp?:Object { callback: '__es6-rest-client__[[CURRENT_TIMESTAMP]]' } An object whose first key/value pair allows to respectively specify the jsonP callback querystring parameter name and the chosen function name.


1. Creating and exporting a third-party API client

Note: the term 'Etsy' is a trademark of Etsy, Inc. The following code sample uses the Etsy API but is not endorsed or certified by Etsy, Inc.

import etsyAPIClient, { SETTINGS } from '../../node_modules/es6-rest-client/dist/client.es6.js';

    method: 'JSONP',
    baseURI: '',
    params: { fields: 'url,description,url_170x135',
              includes: 'Images(url_170x135):1',
              api_key: ETSY_API_KEY },
    jsonp: { callback: 'jsonpCallback' }


export default etsyAPIClient;
import Etsy from './helpers/etsyAPIClient.js';

 * Enclosing a route fragment into square brackets
 * prevents it from being undesirably split into
 * separate entities by dot characters

Etsy.listings['active.js']().then((response) => {

2. Fetching a resource upon successful existence check

import restClient, { SETTINGS, RESET } from '../../node_modules/es6-rest-client/dist/client.es6.js';

function fileExists(fileName, interval){

        method: 'HEAD',
        params: { _: function(){ return (new Date()).getTime(); } }
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
        (function checkFile(){
            restClient[fileName]().then((response) => {
                (response.ok) ? resolve(response) :
                        setTimeout(checkFile, interval)

function fetchIfExists(fileName, interval){

    return fileExists(fileName, interval).then(() => {
        return restClient[RESET](true)[fileName]();

export default fetchIfExists
import fetchIfExists from './helpers/fetchIfExists.js';

fetchIfExists('catalogue_01062015.json', 2000).then((stream) => {

    stream.json().then((response) => {

3. Conditional chaining of requests

3.1 Via generator based control flow with co library

import user from '../../node_modules/es6-rest-client/dist/client.es6.js';

 * You may want to declare the 'co' library as an external dependency
 * in your favourite bundling tool options; rollup reference:

import co from 'co';

const bookshelf = co.wrap(function* (){
    const sessionResponse = yield user.session();
    if (sessionResponse.ok) {
        return yield user.bookshelf();
    } else {
        const localBookshelf = new Blob([localStorage.getItem('bookshelf')],
                                        {type: 'application/json'});
        const cachedResponse = new Response(localBookshelf, { status: 200 });
        return yield Promise.resolve(cachedResponse);

export default bookshelf;
import bookshelf from './helpers/bookshelf.js';



}, function(error){

3.2 Via ES7 async functions

import user from '../../node_modules/es6-rest-client/dist/client.es6.js';

async function bookshelf(){

    const sessionResponse = await user.session();
    if (sessionResponse.ok) {
        return await user.bookshelf();
    } else {
        const localBookshelf = new Blob([localStorage.getItem('bookshelf')],
                                        {type: 'application/json'});
        const cachedResponse = new Response(localBookshelf, { status: 200 });
        return Promise.resolve(cachedResponse);


export default bookshelf;
import bookshelf from './helpers/bookshelf.js';

(async function(){
    try {
        (await bookshelf()).json().then(function(response){
    } catch (exception) {



Note: you may want to check the required ES6 features first.

  1. Open a shell in the package root folder
  2. npm install --global gulp
  3. npm install
  4. gulp test


ES6 JavaScript library aimed to ease up communication with HTTP-based RESTful APIs







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