Bonsol is the Offchain compute framework to make everything possible on solana.
Interact with the docs at
Stage 1: Dawn (current stage)
- Developer feedback
- New features
- Interfaces
- More Ingesters, Senders
- More Input Types
- Adding Integrations
- Zktls,web proofs, client proving
- Interfaces
- Node Ops
- Claim based prover network (SOL)
- Prover Supply Integrations
- New features
- Community Building
docker probbably a fast computer
You will need to install rust
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
rustup install 1.80.0
cargo install cargo-binstall
cargo binstall cargo-risczero
cargo risczero install
Run the setup script to install the zksnark deps and compile the zksnark prover
- Download and setup the system with the needed binaries and keys to run the groth16 prover over the risc0 FRI
- Compile the 乃ㄖ几丂ㄖㄥ on chain program and starts a localnet with the program loaded
- On a separate terminal, compile the 乃ㄖ几丂ㄖㄥ off chain relay and starts it
- Use the bonsol cli to deploy a zkprogram(here is a example already uploaded for you)
cargo run -p bonsol-cli deploy -m images/simple/manifest.json -t url --url
- Use the bonsol cli to execute a zkprogram
cargo run -p bonsol-cli execute -f testing-examples/example-execution-request.json -x 2000 -m 2000 -w