This is a simple command-line To-Do List application built with Python. It allows users to manage their tasks efficiently by adding, updating, deleting, and marking tasks as completed. Tasks are stored in a JSON file, ensuring persistence between sessions.
- Add new tasks
- 📋View all tasks
- ✅Mark tasks as completed
- 🗑Delete tasks
- ✏️Update existing tasks
- 💾Load tasks from a JSON file
- 🔄Prevent duplicate task entries
- Python 3.x installed on your system
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd To-Do-List
- Run the program:
When you run the script, you will see a menu with the following options:
1. Add a task
2. View tasks
3. Mark task as completed
4. Delete a task
5. Update task
6. Load tasks
7. Exit
- Choose option
. - Enter the task description.
- Task is added and saved.
- Choose option
to display all tasks with their status (✅ for completed, ❌ for pending).
- Choose option
. - Enter the task number.
- The task will be marked as completed.
- Choose option
. - Enter the task number to remove.
- The task will be deleted permanently.
- Choose option
. - Enter the task number to update.
- Provide a new task name.
- The task will be updated.
- Choose option
to reload tasks from the JSON file.
- Choose option
to exit.
- Add due dates for tasks
- Implement priority levels (Low, Medium, High)
- Enable filtering tasks by status or priority
- Support task categories or tags
- Integrate with a database instead of a JSON file
- Implement a graphical user interface (GUI)
- Add notifications/reminders
- User verification to create a profile for each user
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to fork the repository, create a feature branch, and submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
🚀 Happy Task Managing! 🎯