the idea is to understand how to build a cross compiler to stay edge(like gcc 9.1) or bootstrap a target(like arm) with your favorite distribution(like alpine linux).
to understand the principal behind, you do not need depends on the "blackbox" generated by auto build tools like yocto, buildroot, crosstool-ng etc.
the best reference I find for background info is:
how a toolchain is constructed -->
for step by step guide:
how to build a gcc cross-compiler -->
the guide is for armv8(aarch64) with tuple aarch64-linux-gnu
for armv7(arm), you need tweak with tuple arm-linux-gnueabihf, as latest armv7 based soc typically with hard float point unit(fpu - vfpv4-d16)
manually build gcc target musl is tough, as you can find very few documents...
the best reference I find is:
simple makefile-based build for musl cross compiler
it's a build script and support many targets, for our purpose, I suggest refer to the 1st link(how a toolchain is constructed) first. when you understand the principal, it's easier to understand the script under the hood.
here my target tuple is arm-linux-musleabihf as I have a stm32mp1 board(armv7 based with vfpv4-d16/neon).
cross-compiler need libc(musl libc) --> musl need be built by a cross-compiler(bootstrap compiler gcc2) --> bootstrap compiler need musl headers and start files(c runtme - crt) --> start files need be built by a cross-compiler(gcc1) and kernel headers(without need headers and start files) --> need cross assembler and linker(binutils).
to summarize here again for the steps:
- gcc need pre-requests like gmp, mpfr, mpc, isl, cloog for math and optimation
- gcc need binutils for assembler and linker
- gcc need libc to use the system(userspace to linux kernel)
- libc need the linux kernel headers(system calls, data structures etc.)
- build libc need gcc
- to jailbreak, need a gcc without need of libc
- typically breakdown to two stages build: bare minimal gcc(gcc1) and 2nd stage gcc(gcc2)
- build bare minimal gcc to build c runtime for libc with headers(libc and kernel)
- build 2nd stage gcc to build libc
- build full gcc
pre-requests --> 1.GMP - the gnu multiple precision arithmetic library 2.MPFR - the c library for multiple-precision floating-point computations with correct rounding 3.MPC - the c library for the arithmetic of complex numbers
optional pre-requests(enable loop optimation - graphite) --> ISL - the integer set library CLooG - the chunky loop generator, using the isl backend PPL - the parma polyhedra library CLooG/PPL - the chunky loop generator, using the ppl backend
// enable link time optimation - lto --> libelf - the ELF object file access library
in the beginning, I try to build it step by step to understand the principals, or a simplified, purpose built simple makefile. after day and night errors & debugging, I give up and come back to the base of musl-cross-make. always do incremental stuff instead of re-inventing wheels or customizing too much in the beginning, otherwise you will catch the pain :)
here I update the top level makefile with latest gcc-9.1.0, isl-0.21, cloog-0.18.4 and linux-4.19.60, the related hashes and patches applicable. if you are the same use case as me(arm-linux-musleabihf), simply make, the script will download, extract, patch, build the toolchain automatically. then make install, you will have the toolchain under output.
ps: I test with kernel cross compile, the toolchain is not work out of box. still need tweak the CFLAGS/LDFGLAGS further. and the patches for GCC 9.1.0 is in question mark too.
finally I find a very good reference, to understand what's under the hood and also successfully build the cross compiler manually target for musl:
CLFS embedded book is detailed step by step and the author of above blog refer to it for sure:
here I list down the shell script step by step for your reference:
// prepare environment
1.1 unset CFLAGS
1.2 export CLFS_HOST=$(echo ${MACHTYPE} | sed "s/-[^-]*/-cross/")
1.3 export CLFS_TARGET=arm-linux-musleabihf
1.4 export CLFS_ARCH=arm
1.5 export CLFS_ARM_ARCH=armv7-a
1.6 export CLFS_FLOAT=hard
1.7 export CLFS_FPU=neon-vfpv4
1.8 mkdir musl-9.1.0/${CLFS_TARGET} --> toolchain target sysroot
1.9 ln -sfv . musl-9.1.0/arm-linux-musleabihf/usr --> make sure install to target sysroot
// install kernel header
2.1 cd linux-4.19.60
2.2 make mrproper
2.3 make ARCH=${CLFS_ARCH} headers_check
2.4 make ARCH=${CLFS_ARCH} INSTALL_HDR_PATH=/home/dp/cross-gcc/musl-9.1.0/arm-linux-musleabihf headers_install
// install binutils
3.1 cd ../binutils-2.32
3.2 mkdir build && cd build
3.3 ../configure --prefix=/home/dp/cross-gcc/musl-9.1.0 --target=${CLFS_TARGET} --with-sysroot=/home/dp/cross-gcc/musl-9.1.0/${CLFS_TARGET} --disable-nls --disable-multilib
3.4 make configure-host && make -j8
3.5 make install
// install gcc1
4.1 cd gcc-9.1.0
4.2 ln -s ../gmp-6.1.2 gmp
4.3 ln -s ../mpc-1.1.0 mpc
4.4 ln -s ../mpfr-4.0.2 mpfr
4.5 ln -s ../isl-0.21 isl
4.6 ln -s ../cloog-0.18.4 cloog
4.7 mkdir build1 && cd build1
4.8 ../configure --prefix=/home/dp/cross-gcc/musl-9.1.0 --build=${CLFS_HOST} --host=${CLFS_HOST} --target=${CLFS_TARGET} --with-sysroot=/home/dp/cross-gcc/musl-9.1.0/${CLFS_TARGET} --without-headers --with-newlib --disable-nls --disable-shared --disable-decimal-float --disable-libgomp --disable-libmudflap --disable-libssp --disable-libatomic --disable-libquadmath --disable-threads --disable-multilib --enable-languages=c --with-arch=${CLFS_ARM_ARCH} --with-float=${CLFS_FLOAT} --with-fpu=${CLFS_FPU}
4.9 make -j8 all-gcc all-target-libgcc
4.10 make install-gcc install-target-libgcc
// install musl
5.1 cd musl-1.1.22
5.2 ./configure CROSS_COMPILE=${CLFS_TARGET}- --prefix=/ --target=${CLFS_TARGET}
5.3 make -j8
5.4 DESTDIR=/home/dp/cross-gcc/musl-9.1.0/${CLFS_TARGET} make install
// install gcc2
6.1 cd gcc-9.1.0
6.2 mkdir build2 && cd build2
6.3 ../configure --prefix=/home/dp/cross-gcc/musl-9.1.0 --build=${CLFS_HOST} --host=${CLFS_HOST} --target=${CLFS_TARGET} --with-sysroot=/home/dp/cross-gcc/musl-9.1.0/${CLFS_TARGET} --disable-nls --disable-libmudflap --disable-libssp --disable-libmpx --disable-multilib --disable-libsanitizer --enable-languages=c,c++ --enable-c99 --enable-long-long --with-arch=${CLFS_ARM_ARCH} --with-float=${CLFS_FLOAT} --with-fpu=${CLFS_FPU}
6.4 make -j8
6.5 make install