⚠️ The repository may be out of date. We split the modules and migrated the repository to god-aws-eks-env. Modules named as https://github.com/GOD-mbh/god-terraform-'name'/tree/main
Terraform and helm charts to provide deployment of the full EKS cluster
brew update
brew install kubernetes-cli
brew install python3
easy_install pip
pip install awscli — upgrade — user
export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
brew install terraform
brew install terragrunt
brew install direnv
brew install tfenv
and aws credentials
export KUBECONFIG=$(pwd)/eks-vpc/kubeconfig_GOD-EKS
Initially, only the system that deployed the cluster will be able to access the cluster. To authorize other users for accessing the cluster, config needs to be modified by using the steps given below:
- Modify file
locals {
map_users = [
userarn = "arn:aws:iam::${data.aws_caller_identity.current.account_id}:user/tgaleev"
username = "tgaleev"
groups = ["system:masters"]
map_roles = []
map_accounts = []
Install EKS
cd eks-vpc
- Run
terraform init
- Run
terraform plan
and review - Run
terraform apply
Install helm charts
cd charts
- Run
terraform init
- Run
terraform plan
and review - Run
terraform apply
This repository provides the minimal set of resources, which may be required for starting comfortably developing the process of new IaC project:
main.tf - data from modules
modules.tf - list of modules and their redefined values
providers.tf - list of providers and their values
variables.tf - variables used in modules. Customize it for your project data !!!
variables.tf.json - list of versions for variables. Customize it for your project data !!!
For destroy some module just remove it from modules.tf and run.
terraform plan -out plan && terraform apply plan
- external-dns
- metrics-server
- ingress-nginx
- cert-manager
- archiva
- sonarqube
- sonatype-nexus
- argo
- weave
- loki
- keycloack
- monitoring (grafana)
- jenkins
You can destroy this cluster entirely by running:
terraform plan -destroy
terraform destroy --force