by Dominic Clifton. (C) 2018-2024
Utility to process DipTrace "Pick and Place" export files and generate DPV format files suitable for use with CharmHigh Technology pick-and-place SMT machines.
Basic Features
- Rotate board. Useful for boards panelled on the wrong axis.
- Add X/Y offsets. Useful to add space for rails that were added in programs other than DipTrace.
- Generates SVG images showing rotation and offset steps.
Currently supported machines
- CHMT48VA (*1)
- CHMT36VA (*1)
*1 Treated as CHMT48VB, so do not use right-hand side feeders with IDs 36-64.
pnpconvert <args>
PNPConvert (C) 2018-2024 Dominic Clifton
Written by Dominic Clifton
Usage: pnpconvert
origin X - left extent coord (e.g. 0.0 - 5.0 = -5.0)
origin Y - bottom extent coord (e.g. 0.0 - 5.0 = -5.
-bd=<boardDepth> Board thickness
EDA export X offset (e.g. 10.0)
EDA export Y offset (e.g. 10.0)
-bh=<boardHeight> Board height (not panel height)
-box=<boardOriginX> EDA origin X (usually 0.0)
-boy=<boardOriginY> EDA origin Y (usually 0.0)
-bw=<boardWidth> Board width (not panel width)
-c convert
-cfg=<config> configuration file (in "key=value" format)
-co=<components> components csv file/url
-dr=<disableRefdes> Disable placements by refdes (comma separated list)
-er=<excludeRefdes> Exclude/filter placements by refdes (comma
separated list)
-f=<feeders> feeders csv file/url
Fiducial marker list (note,x,y[ ...])
-fp Add dummy placements for each fiducial
-ft Generate DPV containing all feeders
-i=<input> input csv file/url
-j=<job> job number
-m=<mirroring> mirroring mode (horizontal/vertical/both/none),
default is none
-o=<output> output prefix
-ox=<offsetX> X offset, applied after all other transformations
-oy=<offsetY> Y offset, applied after all other transformations
-oz=<offset> Z offset, applied to all component heights -
increase for thicker PCBs
-pix=<panelIntervalX> Interval spacing on the X axis
-piy=<panelIntervalY> Interval spacing on the Y axis
-pm=<partMappings> part mappings csv file/url
-pnx=<panelNumberX> Number of PCBs on the X axis
-pny=<panelNumberY> Number of PCBs on the Y axis
-poy=<panelNumberY> Number of PCBs on the Y axis
Bottom/Front rail width
Left rail width
Right rail width
Top/Rear rail width
part substitutions csv file/url
-r=<rotation> rotation degrees (positive is clockwise)
Replace placements by refdes ("refdes,value,name"[
-s=<side> pcb side (top|bottom|all), default is all
-st Show transforms in SVG
-t=<trays> trays csv file/url
-v version
Vision calibration factor
PnPConvert also supports reading one or more files containing arguments, prefix each filename with an @ symbol.
Arguments are processed in the order they appear. If an argument is specified more than once, the first occurrence applies.
pnpconvert @args-file1 @args-file2
Configuration values for the specific input,output,feeders,components and tray settings can be loaded from a config file in key=value
format, e.g.
Example config file
Example1 has board width of 70 and height of 100, PCB origin is the center. Offset from center to bottom left is -35,-50. When exported "Use PCB origin" was NOT selected, so the bottom left component has a position is closest to 0,0. U1 is at the PCB origin but in the CSV file its coordinates are relative to the bottom left component.
- Rotate example1 90 degrees
pnpconvert -i examples/example1.csv -o example1-90 -r 90 -bblox -35 -bbloy -50 -bw 70 -bh 100 -c
- Rotate example1 90 degrees and add 5mm rails
pnpconvert -i examples/example1.csv -o example1-90-with-rails -r 90 -bblox -35 -bbloy -50 -bw 70 -bh 100 -oy 5 -ox 5 -c
- Rotate example1 270 degrees and add 5mm rails
pnpconvert -i examples/example1.csv -o example1-270-with-rails -r 270 -bblox -35 -bbloy -50 -bw 70 -bh 100 -ox 5 -oy 5 -c
- Apply a 0.5mm Z offset to when placing parts.
pnpconvert ... -z 0.5
Note for the CHMT machines: Using a Z offset simply adds the offset to the height of each component, so that when the head places the component it does't push it down so far, this can help if your PCBs flex when placing parts. Ideally any good machine should have a setting for PCB thickness...
- Skip placement of some components
pnpconvert ... -dr J1,J2,C5,U7
Note: PCB width and height has to be added to offsets to avoid negative component origins.
- As above but load settings from config file.
-i examples/example1.csv -o example1-270-with-rails -cfg examples/ -r 270 -rx 70 -ry 0 -ox 105 -oy 75 -c
- Use per-machine and per-project argument files.
Note: it's also possible to include another argument file from within an argument file, by prefixing the filename with an @
pnpconvert @machine-settings.pnpconvert @projects/my-project-top.pnpconvert -c
pnpconvert @machine-settings.pnpconvert @projects/my-project-bottom.pnpconvert -c
file content:
-f feeders.csv
-t trays.csv
-co components.csv
-ox 5
-oy 5
file content:
-i projects/my-project.csv
-o projects/my-project
-s TOP
file content:
-i projects/my-project.csv
-o projects/my-project
-r 180
file content:
# board
-bblox -35
-bbloy -50
-bw 70
-bh 100
# panel
# intervals includes 5mm gap between boards
-pix 75
-piy 105
-pnx 2
-pny 1
# 5mm rails on all 4 sides
-prwl 5
-prwr 5
-prwt 5
-prwb 5
# fiducials
-fm RL,10,107.5 FR,145,2.5
Fiducial marks can be used for calibration instead of components.
pnpconvert ... -fm RL,10,87 FR,105,3
In the example above, -fm
has two arguments, RL,10,87
and FR,105,3
which correspond to Rear-Left and Front-Right markers, the numerical values being X/Y co-ordinates.
For calibration either 2 or 3 fiducial markers are required.
Fiducial modes for CHMT machines:
Calibration mode | Point locations and ordering |
2 point | Rear Left, Front Right |
3 point | Rear Left, Front Right, Front Left |
Fiducial markers are useful when you send gerbers files off to a PCB manufacturer who then produce a panel and add markers. Ask them to send you the panel gerber files and extract the co-ordinates from the received gerber files.
This is also particularly useful when you have one or more large component footprints in the corner of your PCB and/or cannot visually select the center of the pattern that the CharmHigh software selects.
pnpconvert ... -dr C36,R28
pnpconvert ... -rr "C54,CAP_1206,47uF 10V 1206 X5R 20%" "R25,RES_0402,44k2 0402 1%"
In the example above, -rr
has two arguments the order of the values in quotes is RefDes, Name, Value
pnpconvert -ft -cfg machine1.config -o feedertest
Generates a DPV with all the feeders populated but no placements, this is useful when verifying the contents of all the feeders on the machine. No placement input file is required. The names of the feeders are also used to lookup components.
New firmware from CHMT requires vision width/length in 'pixels' instead of mm, this means the visual calibration factor stored in the machine must be given to PNPConvert so that it can calculate the 'pixel' values from the component width/length values.
You can find this value in the machine's System inner params
hidden menu (System Set
-> code: 20090318
) in this Vision Calibration menu. It's called factor
A value of 0.042383
is used by default if this is not specified, however this value is different per machine and based on the cameras used and how they
are focussed and positioned within the machine.
A minimum of 6 input files are required to generate a DPV file for your design.
Generate the DipTrace Pick and Place file
Use "File/Export/Pick and Place...". Ensure the fields as per the example files in the examples
The order of the CSV fields does not matter, the column headers are used to find the data.
- A DipTrace Pick and Place file is read containing placements.
- Any rotation and offset transformations are applied.
- An updated Pick and Place file, with transformed coordinates and rotation angles is generated.
- An SVG file is generated.
- Placements are replaced or disabled by reference designators (refdes) as per command arguments.
- A part substitutions file is read (regex name + value -> new-name + new-value).
- A part mapping file is read (regex name + value -> part code + manufacturer).
- A components CSV file which contains component definitions is read.
- A trays CSV file containing tray definitions is read.
- A feeders CSV file containing feeder and pick settings is read.
- Placements are substituted as per the part substitutions file, a summary is displayed.
- Placements are mapped to part code and manufacturer as per the mart mappings file, a summary is displayed.
- Components are selected for each placement by part code and manufacturer, as per the components file.
- Placements are assigned to materials, feeders and trays, as per the feeders/trays files.
- A summary of materials assignments, feeders and tray load-out is presented.
- Issues are presented (unmapped placements, unloaded components, etc)
- The DPV is generated.
The process starts by reading the pick-and-place file cross-referencing each component name and value against entries in the components file, then it looks for feeders (reels or trays) that have the component. When things match up the materials and components tables in the DPV file are generated.
When components don't match a list of unknown components and unloaded feeders is presented which should then be added to the appropriate input files.
Color | Usage |
Red | Starting Coordinate |
Yellow | Coordinate after mirroring |
Blue | Coordinate after mirroring, rotation |
Pink | Coordinate after mirroring, rotation and rotation coordinate offset |
Green | Final coordinate after mirroring, rotation, rotation coordinate offset and origin offset |
Orange | Fiducial Marker |
Magenta | Panel |
The order of the CSV fields does not matter in input files, the column headers are used to find the data. This allows you to choose you preferred column order in your CSV editing tools/spreadsheets. Column headers are case-insensitive, non-alphanumeric characters are converted to underscores before attempting a column header match.
Example Google Sheets spreadsheet with tabs for feeders, trays and components, can be found at the follow public URL:
Fields requiring additional documentation are as below.
- If you can't work out what a field does after reviewing the fields and your machine documentation please create an issue on the issue tracker asking for more documentation.
"ID","Enabled","Part Code","Manufacturer","Description","Tape Width","Note","Tape Spacing","X Offset","Y Offset","Head","Separate Mount","Package Angle","Use Vision","Check Vacuum", "Place Speed","Place Delay","Take Height","Take Delay","Tape Pull Speed","Tray Name","Flags","Vision Width", "Vision Length", "Vision Threshold", "Vision Radio"
Column | Unit | Notes |
Flags | comma separated list | List of flags (see below) |
ID | Integer | Required for left/right/front/vibration feeders, leave blank for "IC tray" feeders. |
Enabled | Boolean | Allows the component to be skipped |
Tray Name | String | Value should correspond with the name of a tray in the Trays CSV file. A feeder is a 'Tray Feeder' if this field is specified' |
Tape Width | Integer, Centimeters | Ignored for Tray feeders. Still useful for Tray Feeders when using cut-tape in tray feeders. |
Tape Spacing | Integer, Centimeters | Ignored for Tray feeders. Still useful for Tray Feeders when using cut-tape in tray feeders. |
Place Speed | Integer, Percentage | 0 is invalid. |
Place Delay | Integer, Milliseconds | Delay after extending head and before retracting head. |
Take Delay | Integer, Milliseconds | Delay in milliseconds. |
Part Code | String | Used together with Manufacturer for looking up components |
Manufacturer | String | Used together with Part Code for looking up components |
Note | String | A note |
X Offset | Decimal | applied to the head's pickup X position |
Y Offset | Decimal | applied to the head's pickup Y position |
Head | Integer | Which head to use (1 or 2) |
Separate Mount | Boolean | Avoid picking up this component at the same time as another component when using two heads |
Package angle | Integer, Degrees | Allows changing of the angle, e.g. depending how it's loaded into a tray or feeder and/or where 'pin 1' is in relation to the EDA angle |
Use Vision | Boolean | Bring to component to the camera and check it before placing |
Check Vacuum | Boolean | Check the vacuum, doesn't work great on all parts. The vacuum settings are configured per-head on the machine. |
Place Speed | Integer, Percentage | Default 100, use low values large parts so they don't move around on the nozzles |
Place Delay | Decimal | how long to wait after extending the pick nozzle when PLACING component, 0-5 seconds, resolution of 0.01 seconds |
Take Height | Decimal | 0-5mm. how much to reduce the distance the nozzle travels vertically for the component (verification clarification required) |
Take Delay | Decimal | how long to wait after extending the pick nozzle when PICKING component, 0-3 seconds, resolution of 0.01 seconds. using short takeDelay of around 0.25 seconds can prevent small components bouncing out of the tape. |
Tape Pull Speed | Integer, Percentage | Default 100, use low values on small components (e.g. 0402 resistors) or components like diodes in plastic trays to prevent them bouncing out |
Vision Width | Decimal | Use to override the component's width, must be specifed with 'Vision Length' or left blank |
Vision Length | Decimal | Use to override the component's length, must be specifed with 'Vision Width' or left blank |
Vision Threshold | Integer | Use to override the default vision threshold value, must be specified with 'Vision Radio' or left blank |
Vision Radio | Integer | Use to override the default vision 'radio' value, must be specified with 'Vision Threshold' or left blank |
Flag | Meaning |
! | Ignore the row. Use this flag to manage feeders/trays that are not currently in use without having to delete the row |
IMPORTANT: Disabled != Ignored.
- Disabled - component still present in the machine!
- Ignored Flag in CSV - component is NOT in the machine, but a row exists which can later be restored if the component is reloaded into the machine.
When a feeder is disabled, it will still appear in the DPV and it will still be used for component selection, however the machine just won't place the component on the PCB.
Feeder IDs for the CHMT48VB are as below, they are FIXED by the software in the CHMT48VB.
ID | Purpose |
0-35 | left feeders |
36-70 | right feeders |
71-77 | rear left to rear right tray 1-7 |
78-83 | front left to front right tray 1-6 |
84 | right hand double tray 1/1 |
85-90 | vibration feeder, front left. |
91-99 | I.C. tray |
Feeder IDs over 100 are reserved for the machine and must NOT be used otherwise machine configuration is overwritten and head crashes can occur!
"Name","First component X","First component Y","Last component X","Last component Y","Columns","Rows","First component index","Notes"
Column | Unit | Notes |
Name | String | The name of the tray, used from the Feeders to look-up the tray by name, e.g 'F-1-6-RL', 'F-7-CT-8MM-6', etc |
First component X | Decimal | Center of the first component in the left-to-right, front-to-back grid |
First component Y | Decimal | Center of the first component in the left-to-right, front-to-back grid |
Last component X | Decimal | Center of the last component in the left-to-right, front-to-back grid |
Last component Y | Decimal | Center of the last component in the left-to-right, front-to-back grid |
Columns | Integer | How many columns there are in the grid |
Rows | Integer | How many rows there are in the grid |
First component index | Integer | 0-x where x is the amount of components in the grid/tray - 1 |
Notes | String | Notes to help, e.g. 'pin one is rear-left' |
"Part Code","Manufacturer","Description","Width","Length","Height","Offset X","Offset Y"
Column | Unit | Notes |
Part Code | String | Used together with Manufacturer for looking up components |
Manufacturer | String | Used together with Part Code for looking up components |
Description | String | A description of the component |
Width | Decimal | Used as the default for the vision width, can be overriden per-feeder, Width = X in EDA pattern |
Length | Decimal | Used as the default for the vision legnth, can be overriden per-feeder, Length = Y in EDA pattern |
Offset X | Decimal | applied to the placement X position, useful when the EDA origin and pickup origin are not the same |
Offset Y | Decimal | applied to the head's pickup Y position, useful when the EDA origin and pickup origin are not the same |
Note that datasheet width might be EDA pattern height, and vice-versa. See also 'Package Angle' for the feeder.
"Name Pattern","Value Pattern","Part Code","Manufacturer"
Column | Unit | Notes |
Name Pattern | RegExp or Exact String | Used to match the EDA placement name, e.g. /RES_0402(.*)/ |
Value Pattern | RegExp or Exact String | Used to match the EDA placement value, e.g. /10K(.*)/ |
Part Code | String | Used together with Manufacturer for looking up components |
Manufacturer | String | Used together with Part Code for looking up components |
Description | String | A description of the component |
"Name Pattern","Value Pattern","Name","Value","Notes"
Column | Unit | Notes |
Name Pattern | RegExp or Exact String | Used to match the EDA placement name, e.g. /RES_0402(.*)/ |
Value Pattern | RegExp or Exact String | Used to match the EDA placement value, e.g. /10K(.*)/ |
Name | String | Used to replace the name on matching placements |
Value | String | Used to replace the value on matching placements |
Notes | String | Notes to remind you why the substution exists, e.g. '50V X7R parts were same price as 16V X5R parts' |
- The existing tools don't support DipTrace.
- The existing tools seem only to support the one EDA package they were designed for, I wanted a codebase that was more flexible to allow support for other packages to be added later.
- The existing tools and are not written in languages that I have tooling set-up for.
- The existing tools have no automated tests, I wan't to know key functionality is correct before I feed a file into my machine.
- The existing tools don't really support the CHMT48VB which has an additional feeder bank and some quirks regarding feeder placement.
- The existing tools do not internally use a consistent co-ordinate system.
- I needed something to rotate (not just flip) the co-ordinates and angles in the diptrace files. Useful when you have board edge components and only 2 rails.
- I wanted to visualize the results of rotation and transform operations.
- Java run-time environment - cross-platform.
- Groovy for production and test code.
- Spock for automated unit tests.
- Batik for SVG Generation.
- Gradle build tool. Use included gradle wrapper to install Gradle. via
Running tests:
gradle test
Use the gradle Application plugin's tasks
gradle installDist
then run the binaries in build/install/pnpconvert
./build/install/pnpconvert/bin/pnpconvert/pnpconvert -v
There's a script to rebuild the examples:
Clover is used to create code-coverage reports. As of 2024/03/21 coverage is over 80%.
./gradlew clean test cloverAggregateDatabases cloverGenerateReport
Then view HTML report files: build\reports\clover-root\html\index.html
If you want to contribute, tests that increase code coverage would be welcomed.
./gradlew clean build installDist && ./
Workaround: If you have a pattern, component name or component value containing a ',' the program will not work. Remove commas as appropriate. Future: allow user to specify diptrace CSV separator Note: Diptrace 4.x fixed this.
Background: commas cause issues with DPV generation. Workaround: remove them Future: discard/replace when found on input files and warn user.
Workaround: always specify positive rotation values, i.e. 270, not -90
When the pick angle is not a right-angle the pick angle will be corrected to the nearest 90 degrees by the vision system and then the machine angle is applied to the placement.
i.e. If you have a component in a feeder at an angle of 45 degrees the vision system could correct the pick clockwise or anti-clockwise to the nearest right-angle.
If vision is not used then the pick angles that are not 0/90/180/270 can be used.
If you use vision and non-right-angle pick angles your results won't be as expected.
It is unknown if setting the width and height on rectangular components to the correct values helps with the vision correction. Experimentation required. Still, that doesn't help with square components, like ICs, inductors, etc.
- Apply rotation/mirroring to panel & fiducials; Currently rotation/mirroring only applies to components.
- Set units for SVG display
- Display a summary of applied substitutions maybe instead of, or addition to, all the per-refdes component substitutions, include list of refdes that the substitutions applied to.
- Display a summary of applied mappings maybe instead of, or addition to, all the per-refdes component mappings, include list of refdes that the mappings applied to.
- Improvement of automatically determining the rotation by recording:
- definition of EDA pattern rotation vs datasheet (needs to be per-pattern)
- cut-tape orientation, many manufacturers specify the pin-1 location in the packaging specification.
- definition of datasheet measurement codes used for X/Y/Z, e.g. X=L;Y=W;Z=T as there doesn't appear to be a standard, and it varies by manufacturer and component type.
- Check and report components that are too tall for the machine (>5mm for CHMT48VB/CHMT43VB/CHMT43VA)
- A summary of /unique/ components that are not loaded, with a list of applicable refdes. e.g.
0479480001 = [A1, A201]
Currently the unloaded components shows each placement, but it's required to trawl over all placements, find all potential components, then add each refdes to a list of potential components and display a summary. - A summary of used placement substitutions, with a list of applicable refdes for each. e.g.
[C1, C2] = [name:CAP_0402, value:10nF 6.3V 0402] -> [name:CAP_0402, value:10nF 50V 0402 X7R 10%]
- A summary of mapped placements, with a list of applicable refdes for each. e.g.
[R203, R204] = [name:RES_0402, value:10K 0402 1% 50V] -> [partCode:RC0402FR-0710KL, manufacturer:YAGEO, description:10K 0402 1% 50V/RES_0402]
- A summary of trays used, in addition to feeders.
- The
list should show refdes first, currently is doesn't show refdes for components that were not found.
DPVToGoogleSheets is a work-in-progress tool that will take an updated .dpv file from the PnP machine and update google sheets documents with the changes.
dpvtogooglesheets <args>
DPVtoGoogleSheets (C) 2018-2024 Dominic Clifton
Written by Dominic Clifton
Usage: dpvtogooglesheets
-c=<credentials> credentials json file/url
-cfg=<config> configuration file (in "key=value" format)
-i=<input> input dpv file/url
-s=<sheet> sheet id
-u update
-v version
Vision calibration factor
dpvtogooglesheets -mo FEEDER_ID FLAG_ENABLED -u -cfg machine1.config -i project.dpv
dpvtogooglesheets -mo PART_CODE MANUFACTURER FLAG_ENABLED -u -cfg machine1.config -i project.dpv
After running the tool, check it's output to see what it changed.
You can also use the built-in version history of the google sheet by opening the sheet in google sheets, then file/version history, then checking the highlighted cells of the latest version
Matching on feeder id works well, however incorrect rows will be updated if you change or re-order the feeder id's on the PnP machine.
While it's possible to update a sheet using only the match option 'MANUFACTURER' it's not a good idea as it will potentially match many rows.
Using part code and manufacturer matching options works well, but note if the part code combined with the manufacturer name is longer than the maximum length allowed in the DPV file then matching will fail. (no partial matches on either). For this reason it's best to use manufacturer codes, like 'TE', or 'TI', instead of the full name, like 'T.E. Connectivity' or 'Texas Instruments', respectively.
Matching on description only is bad if part code and manufacturer are used due to the description becoming truncated due to DPV feeder note length constrants. Description is matched if is /starts-with/ the same text.
Matching on feeder id and a partial description works well, this is the default.
Matching on feeder id, part code and manufacturer is best, but more strict.
- Delete the
file and login again. - Check the credentials json file is correct.
Groovy 2.5 cli builder -
Replace travis with something else in light of new non-free travis # structure changes. Build status indicator may be showing the status a build from some time ago. Check build history as required.