Advanced u-boot (for sunxi Orange Pi Zero, another sunxi boards maybe work too ), ready for full load linux from spi-flash, i2c display, FEL mode, and many other improvement
Its just a part of miZy project, and same as other our parts can standalone used
- friendly arm NanoPi NEO - TESTED OK
- MX3 h3 - TESTED OK ( boot from MMC, NAND in progress )
- M16 LITE H3 - WAIT
- Orange Pi ZeroZero h2+ - TESTED OK
- Orange Pi Zero Plus2 h3 - TESTED OK
- Orange Pi Zero R1 - TESTED OK
- Orange Pi One - TESTED OK
- Orange Pi PC - TESTED OK
- Orange Pi PC+ - NOT TESTED
- Orange Pi Plus2E - NOT TESTED
- Orange Pi Lite - NOT TESTED
- boot from h2+ h3 sunxi boards
- boot from spi-flash and next full load linux from spi-flash is ready via new added spiread cmd
- ready for fast uboot & full linux load, with boot-time about 0.5 & 4-8 sec (MMC-SPI), from power-on time
- 4x increase SPI-flash reading speed in SPL-loader and UBOOT ( spi work on 24Mhz freq now )
- improved i2c available for any gpios (configurable soft mode) not only for TWI0 (PA11 PA12) or TWI0 (PA18 PA19)
- splash screen on ssd1306 i2c OLED 128x64 display TWI0 or TWI1 connected
- ready for uboot splash screen customization
- can fix (set or disable) FEL mode direct from uboot shell (write or clear FEL-loader on mmc)
- support any LZMA LZO GZIP uboot packed images, and directly from uboot shell cmds
- accept uboot images with bad crc
- fast advanced configuration for build-in uboot environment, without recompilation
- ready for next USB loading from any 3 usb ports
- new improved building system full automated, speed + size optimized
- easy write new patches with find_changes script
- led indication and splash for boot process
- many other small fixes
- boot from NAND in progress ( 04/30/2019 ) for MX3
by default device can not have SPI flash or have only 2M bytes (mx25l1606e its enough for uboot only), needed re/install SPI flash to 4M or 8M or 16M bytes if u need full load linux from spi-flash. For example we have tested on W25q128 spi flash, and this worked well!
cd /tmp
mkdir zero_builder
cd zero_builder
git clone
cd miZy-uboot
!note: if have permissions problems with modprobe|mount overlay try sudo bash
before ./uboot_prepare
if everything is ok, compilled uboot must be there ./uboot-mizy.bin, and ready for usage! now we can clear building data.
wget -O- | sh -
- u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin -> ./uboot-mizy/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin
- uboot-mizy.bin -> ../bin/uboot/uboot-mizy.bin
- dtc v1.4.3 (flex + bison)
- toolchain-arm_cortex-a9+neon_gcc-5.3.0_musl-1.1.15_eabi
its easy and automated by scripts!
miZy - open source minimalistic tiny fast embedded Linux system, (for sunxi Orange Pi Zero, another sunxi boards maybe work too )
some source code parts in low quality ( sorry but I'm new to uboot ), some parts not annotated not documented, we stay in active develop now! wellcome to join us improve & tidy this code.