This repository contains the base docker images used by data warehouse and database tasks, so that projects and their builds work on the same basis.
The parts of the project can be divided into several parts, complementing each other.
Basically, there are 2 groups of images:
parent (base image) - these are the docker images that are used as base images for the target products. They can only contain the absolutely necessary functionality and content.
builder - they are used to carry content, they should never be used for base image. Its function is in the multi-stage dockerfile, where it is used as driver storage for example.
Builder type images are not in use currently, because we don’t use multi-sage dockerfiles.
Collection of dockerfiles. Detailed description about the docker images are available at Docker Base Images.
To start a local database from an image:
docker volume create postgredb-data
docker run -d -v postgredb-data:/data/db -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres --name postgres -p 5432:5432 icellmobilsoft/db-base-postgres_148:0.10.0
#Here, the version number at the and of the command can be replaced to the lastest (currently it's 0.10.0)