The sources for our led-rig automation
We made a device to perform our experiments. Our led-rig can shine light on microtiter plates. We have 16 indiviually controllable LED:s.
Using Arduino nano v3 and Adafruit 16-channel PWM shield.
- pwm_led_intensity.ino, sets lab measurement intensities
- pwm_text.ino, scrolls cool text on rig :D
- pwm_demo.ino, shows some coll effects
#You need
- A usb-miniusb cable
- comnputer
#Uploading the new code
- Download and install the arduino IDE at, the normal version is ok. Windows 8 has some trouble understanding the drivers, but I managed to get it works so i hope you do too.
Okay the drivers are always difficult ot install... Nano drivers(OSX) and troubleshooting
- Install Adafruit PWM library. followng these links:
- Plug in the arduino while holding down the power button
- Check that the arduino is connected (can be done by opening arduino IDE and clicking "tools">"serial port". If there is a non-grayed out option then it's conencted properly
- Select "tools">"board">"Arduino Nano w/ Atmega328
- Open up the pwm_led_intensity.ino script
- Modify desired values
- Upload. Compiling first takes place. Wait...
- Arduino blinks....aaand leds turn on.