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chalchuck edited this page Oct 28, 2014 · 6 revisions


The Umati Data Logger is suite of data collection and tagging libraries built in Ruby on Rails for the sole purpose of collecting and tagging data from virtually all social media platforms (Facebook, twitter, disqus etc) for the sole purpose of propagating inflammatory speech online. The code suite is grouped into two main categories:


Data collection is divided into three sections, Facebook, Twitter & Disqus

Facebook collection is built in Ruby on Rails via using Graph API v2.0 Twitter collection is built in Ruby on Rails using the twitter streaming and twitter search API. Disqus collection is built in Ruby on Rails using the Disqus API v3.0


The tagging module is used to label data-sets by setting a question and corresponding answers. It provides an interface for sampling data and continuously labeling the data. The code is implemented in Ruby on Rails.

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