obs-rtspserver v3.1.0-beta2
110 commits
to master
since this release
⚡️ Breaking Changes
- Qt5 and Ubuntu 20.04 are no longer supported.
- OBS Studio 29 or earlier is no longer supported.
🚀 New Features
- rtsp-server: Added frame auto-drop feature to solve the problem of delay accumulation.(#102)
- ui: Added dropped frames and total frames display.(#102)
- locale: Added translation for "Dropped frames".
💊 Bugfixes
- rtsp-output: Fixed the bug that OBS Studio 30.0.0 and above cannot start output.(#154)
- rtsp-server: Fixed compilation errors.
- rtsp-output: Fixed the bug that the SPP header could not be obtained when using the jim-nvenc encoder. (#128)
🏎️ Performance Improvements
- ui: Optimized the code.
- rtsp-server: Optimized the code.
- locale: Improved "Total Data Output" and "Bitrate" translation in zh-TW.
🏗️ Build System
- Eliminate Github actions warning.
- macos: Updated installation script for Packages.app.
- macos: Updated Hash of Packages.dmg.
- macos: Fixed the bug that the macOS version could not find the obs-frontend-api dynamic link library.
- Fixed a script error that would cause the wrong version of Linux packages.
- Updated github actions version.
- Updated dependent version.
🪚 Refactors
- Eliminated compilation warnings for unused function.
- rtsp-server: Eliminated compilation warnings for goto statements.
Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.1.0-beta2