This is an attempt at making something to easily purpose an android phone to be ssh reachable over a tor v3 hidden service, with a minimum of setup preparation.
As a work-in-progress, this will change for a bit until I get it working the way I like it.
pkg install curl && curl -sL | GITHUB_USERS=ianblenke sh -x
After a exit
and a restart of TermUX, it should show you your hidden service onion address, which should look something like this:
Copy and paste that on your Android device and paste it into hangouts/messenger/slack to yourself.
Then I locally fire up torbrowser to get my local tor running, and I add this to my ~/.ssh/config
host myphone
User u0_a211
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/
ProxyCommand ncat --proxy --proxy-type socks5 bhffkxuwbzw3b46l2dqm2dykagiktjdi274twmhnblx4rxdsjxqxzsad.onion 22
After which I can now simply:
ssh myphone