WeChatBot is a customized chat bot built on Python that acts as a WeChat personal assistant for Qiaoling
As for now, she is able to
- ask for weather
- ask for news by topic from BBC and CNN
- ask for bus arrival time
- ask for news headlines
- ask for jobs
- ask for platts news
- Python 3.6
- wxpy
- reportlab
- selenium
- Open Weather Map
- News API
- LTA DataMall
- URL Shortener API
- And of course you will need to have a WeChat account to play with
- Clone the repo (and give it a star if you like it~)
- Apply API keys from LTA DataMall, Open Weather Map, News API, URL shortener API
- # a jobstreet.com account
- Key in your credentials to config file
- Configure the user you want to respond to in the config file
- Run main.py script
- Scan the QR Code with your robot WeChat account
Currently the robot is able to do the following:
- returning weather condition when asked by '天气'
- returning headline news from CNN and BBC when asked by '头条'
- returning news about specific topics from CNN and BBC when asked by '新闻 topic1, topic2, .. ,topicX'
- returning bus arrival time at speicfic bus stop when asked by '巴士 bus_stop_number, bus1.bus2.bus3 .. .busX'
- returning 53, 45 and 53M bus arrival time at 63291 (for QL) when asked by '坐巴士'
- returning bus arrival time at 55039 (at back door of NCS) when asked by '巴士ncs'
- returning jobs from jobstreet.com and send email when asked by '工作 job1, job2, .. , jobX ^email@email.com'
- returning news from Platts when asked by 'platts'
The software is under MIT License
Powered by NewsAPI.org