Node.js library that encapsulates TJBot's capabilities: seeing, listening, speaking, shining, and waving.
This library can be used to create your own recipes for TJBot.
Some of TJBot's capabilities require IBM Cloud services. For example, seeing is powered by the IBM Watson Visual Recognition service. Speaking and listening are powered by the IBM Watson Text to Speech and IBM Watson Speech to Text services.
To use these services, you will need to # for a free IBM Cloud account, create instances of the services you need, and download the authentication credentials.
- Install the library using
$ npm install --save tjbot
💡 Note: The TJBot library was developed for use on Raspberry Pi. It may be possible to develop and test portions of this library on other Linux-based systems (e.g. Ubuntu), but this usage is not officially supported.
- Import the TJBot library.
TJBot is packaged as both an ES6 and a CommonJS module (explained in this guide), which means you may import it using either the ES6 import
statement or the CommonJS require
For ES6, import TJBot as follows:
import TJBot from 'tjbot';
For CommonJS, import TJBot as follows:
const TJBot = require('tjbot').default;
💡 Note: For CommonJS, the
class is exported under a.default
- Instantiate the
const tj = new TJBot();
This code will configure your TJBot with an LED (Neopixel), servo, microphone, and speaker. The default configuration of TJBot uses English as the main language with a male voice. Here is an example of a TJBot that speaks with a female voice in Japanese:
const tj = new TJBot({
robot: {
speak: {
If you are using IBM Watson services, store your authentication credentials in a file named ibm-credentials.env
. Credentials may be downloaded from the page for your service instance, in the section named "Credentials."
If you are using multiple IBM Watson services, you may combine all of the credentials together in a single file.
The file ibm-credentials.sample.env
shows a sample of how credentials are stored.
💡 Note: You may also specify the path to the credentials file in the TJBot constructor using the
argument. For example,const tj = new TJBot(credentialsFile="/home/pi/my-credentials.env")
The entire list of hardware devices supported by TJBot is defined in TJBot.HARDWARE
and includes CAMERA
. Each of these hardware devices may be configured by passing in configuration options to the TJBot
constructor as follows.
var configuration = {
log: {
level: 'info', // valid levels are 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'verbose', 'debug', 'silly'
robot: {
gender: TJBot.GENDERS.MALE, // see TJBot.GENDERS
converse: {
assistantId: undefined, // placeholder for Watson Assistant's assistantId
listen: {
microphoneDeviceId: 'plughw:1,0', // plugged-in USB card 1, device 0; see 'arecord -l' for a list of recording devices
inactivityTimeout: -1, // -1 to never timeout or break the connection. Set this to a value in seconds e.g 120 to end connection after 120 seconds of silence
backgroundAudioSuppression: 0.4, // should be in the range [0.0, 1.0] indicating how much audio suppression to perform
wave: {
servoPin: 7, // default pin is GPIO 7 (physical pin 26)
speak: {
voice: undefined, // use a specific voice; if undefined, a voice is chosen based on robot.gender and speak.language
speakerDeviceId: 'plughw:0,0', // plugged-in USB card 1, device 0; 'see aplay -l' for a list of playback devices
see: {
confidenceThreshold: 0.6,
camera: {
height: 720,
width: 960,
verticalFlip: false, // flips the image vertically, may need to set to 'true' if the camera is installed upside-down
horizontalFlip: false, // flips the image horizontally, should not need to be overridden
shine: {
// see for a pin diagram
neopixel: {
gpioPin: 18, // default pin is GPIO 18 (physical pin 12)
grbFormat: false // if false, the RGB color format will be used for the LED; if true, the GRB format will be used
commonAnode: {
redPin: 19, // default red pin is GPIO 19 (physical pin 35)
greenPin: 13, // default green pin is GPIO 13 (physical pin 33)
bluePin: 12 // default blue pin is GPIO 12 (physical pin 32)
const tj = new TJBot(configuration);
TJBot has a number of capabilities that you can use to bring it to life. Capabilities are combinations of hardware and Watson services that enable TJBot's functionality. For example, "listening" is a combination of having a speaker
and the speech_to_text
service. Internally, the _assertCapability()
method checks to make sure your TJBot is configured with the right hardware and services before it performs an action that depends on having a capability. Thus, the method used to make TJBot listen, tj.listen()
, first checks that your TJBot has been configured with a speaker
and the speech_to_text
TJBot's capabilities are:
- Analyzing Tone with the Watson Tone Analyzer service
- Conversing with the Watson Assistant service
- Listening with the Watson Speech to Text service
- Seeing with the Watson Visual Recognition service
- Shining its LED
- Speaking with the Watson Text to Speech service
- Translating between languages with the Watson Language Translator service
- Waving its arm
The full list of capabilities can be accessed programatically via TJBot.CAPABILITIES
, the full list of hardware components can be accessed programatically via TJBot.HARDWARE
, and the full list of Watson services can be accessed programatically via TJBot.SERVICES
Please see the API docs for documentation of the TJBot API.
💡 Please see the Migration Guide for guidance on migrating your code to the latest version of the TJBot API.
TJBotLib uses the Jest framework for basic testing of the library. These tests may be run from the tjbotlib
directory using npm
npm test
The tests run by this command only covers basic functionality of the library. A separate set of tests (see below) covers hardware-specific behaviors. These tests also do not cover functionality provided by Watson services.
A suite of hardware tests exists in the main TJBot repository in the tests
We encourage you to make enhancements to this library and contribute them back to us via a pull request.
This project uses the Apache License Version 2.0 software license.