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Official implementation of the paper "On the Importance of Environments in Human-Robot Coordination", published in RSS 2021.


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The Overcooked-AI-PCG procedural content generation project aims to create Overcooked game levels that result in diverse behaviors while a human and an AI agent play cooperatively in the generated environment.

This repository contains the source code for the paper: "On the importance of environments in Human-Robot Coordination". Matthew Fontaine*, Ya-Chuan Hsu*, Yulun Zhang*, Bryon Tjanaka and Stefanos Nikolaidis. RSS 2021.


Overcooked-AI is a benchmark environment for fully cooperative multi-agent performance, based on the wildly popular video game Overcooked.

The goal of the game is to deliver soups as fast as possible. Each soup requires taking 3 items and placing them in a pot, waiting for the soup to cook, and then having an agent pick up the soup and delivering it. The agents should split up tasks on the fly and coordinate effectively in order to achieve high reward.

Install Overcooked-AI

  1. Install conda environment: it is useful to setup a conda environment with Python 3.7 using Anaconda:

    conda create -n overcooked_ai python=3.7
    conda activate overcooked_ai

    To complete the installation after cloning the repo, run the following commands:

    pip install -e .
  2. Install CPLEX: CPLEX is used for repairing the generated warehouse maps.

    1. Download the free academic version here.
    2. Download the installation file for Linux.
    3. Follow this guide to install it. Basically:

Overcooked-AI Code Structure Overview

overcooked_ai_py contains:


  • main Overcooked game logic
  • environment classes built on top of the Overcooked mdp
  • functions to generate random layouts programmatically
  • actions: actions that agents can take
  • graphics: render related functions


  • location of agent classes
  • sample trajectories of agents (both trained and planners) and load various models


  • near-optimal agent planning logic
  • A* search and shortest path logic script to run all tests

Python Visualizations

To test the visualization mechanism of Overcooked-AI, please run the following:

cd overcooked_ai_py

A pygame window should pop up and two agents should start performing random actions in the environment.

PCG for Overcooked-AI

GAN Training

To train the GAN that generates Overcooked-AI levels, run the following:

cd overcooked_ai_pcg/GAN_training
python --cuda

Note: We have 2 trained GANs in overcooked_ai_pcg/GAN_training/data/training. One for large (10x15) levels and one for small (6x9) levels.

Mixed Integer Linear Programming Solver

The solver is defined in overcooked_ai_pcg/

It uses cplex optimizer of IBM. Please follow the step here to install IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio and the python interface of it. Once you have downloaded the installation file, this guide may be helpful.

Generate level using trained GAN and MILP solver

To use trained GAN and the MILP solver to generate Overcooked-AI levels, run the following:

cd overcooked_ai_pcg/

The program will generate a level from random latent vector sampled from normal distribution and then use MILP solver defined in overcooked_ai_pcg/ to fix the level. The generated levels will be stored at overcooked_ai_py/images/pcg_exp

Latent Space Illumination

The Overcooked experiments use Dask to run in a distributed fashion. To begin, make sure you have the Conda environment set up and your dependencies installed.

Next, change into the LSI directory:

cd overcooked_ai_pcg/LSI

Now run:

python -c <exp_config_file_path> -s <level_size_version>

exp_config_file_path is the filepath to the experiment config file. It defaults to overcooked_ai_pcg/LSI/data/config/experiment/MAPELITES_demo.tml

level_size_version is the version of the size of the levels. It can either be large or small. large size refers to 10x15, small size refers to 6x9. will output log messages to the command line. Furthermore, visit the Dask dashboard at http://localhost:8787 to see the status of the Dask workers. See here for a walkthrough of the dashboard.

For more info on running the search on a cluster, see the section Running on HPC.

LSI config files

There are four kinds of config files, each configuring different components of the LSI experiments. While running the experiments, the experiment config files are the entry points for all the other config files.

experiment config files

They are under overcooked_ai_pcg/LSI/data/config/experiment.

An experiment config file contains the following required fields:

visualize (bool): to visualize the evaluations or not
num_cores (int): number of processes that runs the evaluations
num_simulations (int): total number of evaluations/simulations to run
algorithm_config (string): file name of the algorithm config file
elite_map_config (string): file name of the elite map config file
agent_config (list of string): file names of the agent config files

The experiment config files are the entry points each LSI experiments.

algorithm config files

They are under overcooked_ai_pcg/LSI/data/config/algorithms.

An algorithm config file contains the following required fields:

name (string): name of the algorithm used for deciding which
               algorithm instance to intialize at run time.

It also contains hyper params of the algorithm to run. For example, for MAP-Elites, they are initial population and mutation power.

elite_map config files

They are under overcooked_ai_pcg/LSI/data/config/elite_map.

An elite map config file contains an array of behavior characteristics (bc). Each bc contains the following required fields:

name (string): name of the bc
low (int/double): lower bound of the bc
high (int/double): upper bound of the bc
resolution (int): resolution (how many sections to divide) for the bc

Note that the name should match the name of the function to calculate the bc in overcooked_ai_pcg/LSI/

agent config files

They are under overcooked_ai_pcg/LSI/data/config/agents.

A agent config file contains the two agents used for running overcooked game. Each agent contains its own properties, which varies across different agent type.

Experiments and Corresponding config files

LSI Experiments

Here we list the experiments in the paper along with their corresponding experiment config files. We suggest setting num_cores parameters to the number of cores that are available on your machine to fully utilize the compute you have. If you don't have a powerful local machine to run the experiments, you may also refer to our instruction to run experiments on the HPC.

Experiment Experiment Config file
Workload Distributions with Centralized Planning overcooked_ai_pcg/LSI/data/config/experiment/CMAME_workloads_diff_fixed_plan.tml
Directly Searching for Environment using MAP-Elites overcooked_ai_pcg/LSI/data/config/experiment/MAPELITES-BASE_workloads_diff_fixed_plan.tml
Tile Distribution Analysis

We generated 1000 levels in overcooked_ai_pcg/lvl_dist_analysis/all_lvl_strs.json. To recreate the tile distribution plots, run the following:

cd overcooked_ai_pcg/lvl_dist_analysis

Making More GAN Training Data

You can make your own data and re-trained the GAN. The size of the training levels is fixed to be 15(width) x 10(height) or 9(width) x 6(height). The available tile types are:

'1': Player 1
'2': Player 2
'X': Wall
'S': Serve Point
'P': Pot
'O': Onion Dispenser
'D': Dish Dispenser
' ': Floor

Please make sure that the levels you make satisfy ALL of the following constraints:

  1. The level must be rigidly surrounded. i.e. the first and last row, and the first and last column can be anything except ‘1’, ‘2’, and ‘ ’.

  2. There are exactly 2 players at different positions. But they cannot be at the first and last row, and the first and last column.

  3. There is at least one ‘O’.

  4. There is at least one ‘D’.

  5. There is at least one ‘P’.

  6. There is at least one ‘S’.

  7. ‘O’, ‘D’, ‘P’, ‘S’ can be anywhere.

  8. Both of the players must be able to reach at least one of ‘O’, ‘D’, ‘P’, and ‘S’.

  9. The size is exactly 15(width) x 10(height)

Please grab a version of overcooked_ai_py/data/layouts/train_gan_large/base.layout or overcooked_ai_py/data/layouts/train_gan_small/base.layout to make the levels and place them under overcooked_ai_py/data/layouts/train_gan_large or overcooked_ai_py/data/layouts/train_gan_small. Be sure to add prefix gen to its file name to differentiate it from non-GAN-training layouts.

Note: These are also the constraints that the MILP solver is trying to satisfy.

Reloading the Algorithm

Sometimes, will crash in the middle of a run, perhaps due to the HPC timing out or memory. Fortunately, we can continue running a crashed experiment. saves algorithm state to the logging directory in a file called reload.pkl. In order to continue running from reload.pkl, you will need to pass in the same config files and level size as before. Then, you will need to pass in reload.pkl with the -r flag. Thus, your command should look like:

python -c CONFIG.tml -s SIZE_VERSION -r ..../reload.pkl

Note that:

  • The same logging directory will be used (since we are continuing a run).
  • The algorithm will not redispatch the individuals from the previous run; it will simply assume they failed.

Running on HPC

The evaluations can take a long time. To run on USC's HPC, do the following:

  1. SSH into HPC
    1. Make sure you have an HPC account. You may need to contact your PI about this.
    2. Run this command with your USCNetID:
  2. Set up the environment.
    1. Clone the repo:
      git clone
      cd overcooked_ai
    2. Create a Conda environment:
      conda create --name overcooked_ai python=3.7
    3. Install this repo:
      pip install -e .
  3. Install CPLEX.
    1. Get the free academic edition here.
    2. Download the installation file for Linux.
    3. Transfer the installation file to the cluster with scp. On your local machine, run
      where INSTALLATION_FILE is the location of the installation file and USCNETID is your USC net ID. This command will put the installation file in your home directory. Note: See here for more help transferring files to the USC HPC.
    4. Follow the instructions for installing CPLEX on Linux here. Basically:
      chmod u+x INSTALLATION_FILE
      Make note of the installation directory you choose for CPLEX. Putting it in your home directory should work fine.
    5. The installation process will provide instructions on how to install the Python API for CPLEX, something like
      python <INSTALLATION_DIR>/python/ install
      Once the installation is done, activate your Conda env (conda activate overcooked_ai) and install the API.
  4. Run the script.
    1. Change into the LSI directory:
      cd overcooked_ai_pcg/LSI
    2. Edit the python command at the bottom of hpc/run_search.slurm to be whatever command you wish to run for Keep in mind that even though the script is in the hpc directory, you will run it relative to the LSI directory, so all filepaths should be relative to the LSI directory.
    3. If you are not in the overcooked_ai_pcg/LSI directory, change back into it.
    4. Start the script:
      sbatch hpc/run_search.slurm
  5. View output.
    1. The sbatch command should output a job number. View the job output with
      cat logs/slurm-<JOBNUM>.out
      Even better, you can use
      tail -f logs/slurm-<JOBNUM>.out
      to continuously watch the script output. Note that this log file is only created when the job starts, so if you do not see the file, the job may not have started yet.
    2. The output above will only output how many simulations have finished running. The workers write the Overcooked games they generate to separate log files (since they are separate Slurm jobs). Instead of searching for these outputs, you can view the individuals log file with
      tail -f data/log/<LOGDIR>/individuals_log.csv
      where <LOGDIR> is the most recently created logging directory in the data/log directory (each directory has a date and time prepended to its name).
    3. To see what Slurm jobs are running (Dask will spawn several dask-worker jobs), run:
      squeue -u $USER
      You can replace $USER with your username / USCNetID if you would like. To continuously see what jobs are running, use:
      watch \"squeue -o '   %20i %.9P %.2t %.8p %.4D %.3C %.10M %20j %R' -u $USER\"
      We recommend using an alias in your .bashrc so that you do not have to remember this command.
    4. To view the Dask dashboard, you will need to open an SSH tunnel from your machine to HPC. To get a command for opening this tunnel from your local machine, run hpc/ logs/slurm-<JOBNUM>.out. Then run the command on your local machine, and visit http://localhost:8787. See the video tutorial here for more info about the Dask dashboard.
    5. The search will probably take a while to run. Go grab a coffee.

Overcooked-AI-PCG Code structure Overview

overcooked_ai_pcg/ contains:

  • Mixed Integer Linear Programming solver to fix levels generated by GAN.

  • Script that generates a level from trained GAN and repair that level using MILP solver.

  • helper functions

  • GAN_training/:

    • Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network Code
    • GAN training script
  • LSI/:

    • Relevant functions to calculate behavior characteristics
    • Implementations of QD algorithms
    • Script to run LSI search
    • Overcooked game evaluator
    • LSI experiment data loggers
    • data/: config and log data of LSI experiment


The overcooked_ai_py directory is adopted from this project by the Center for Human-Compatible AI.

Citing This Work

If you use this code for scholarly work, please kindly cite our work using the Bibtex snippet belw.

  title={On the Importance of Environments for Human-Robot Coordination},
  author={Fontaine, Matthew and Hsu, Ya-Chuan and Zhang, Yulun and  Nikolaidis, Stefanos},
  booktitle={Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems},


Official implementation of the paper "On the Importance of Environments in Human-Robot Coordination", published in RSS 2021.







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