Package for reading in FrameNet data and performing operations on it, such as creating ECG grammars.
See more in the tutorial:
If you're using BASH and want to build a customized FrameNet object, run:
$ ./
You can then retrieve a frame object by referencing the "fn" (FrameNet) object:
frame = fn.get_frame("Abandonment")
By default, the frames contain shallow information about lexical units (name, POS, etc). To retrieve the valence patterns, you can use the "FrameNetBuilder" object and pass in the name of the frame, as well as the FrameNet object (fn):
fnb.build_lus_for_frame("Abandonment", fn)
Now, the lexicalUnits field for the Abandomnent field will contain valnece pattern information:
frame.lexicalUnits[0].valences ...