ConfKu : JavaScript WebRTC conference library
You can use this library to build peer to peer video conference using WebRTC technology.
move to client dir cd client
install npm (nodejs package manager):
-> install npm in ubuntu
sudo apt-get install npm
-> install npm in mac with brew
brew install npm
install gruntjs:
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install grunt grunt-contrib-concat grunt-contrib-jshint grunt-contrib-uglify
build js client
build result can be found in dist directory
confku.min.js : minified JS
confku.dist.js : unminified JS
include confku.min.js/confku.dist.js in the conference room
example :
move to hub (signaling server) directory
cd hub
install requirement
pip install -r requirements.txt
(it will be better if you do it inside a virtualenv)
run it
It will listen on port 8001
Implement addVideo and removeVideo functions.
You need to implement two functions to make it works:
/** * This function will be called by confku library when * stream from some peer become available. */ confkuUI.addVideo = function (stream, peerId); /** * This function will be called by confku library when * stream from some peer become unavailable. */ confkuUI.removeVideo = function (peerId);
You can find the example here:
include confku.min.js in your conference page
full example can be found here :
ConfKu will fire some events regarding the conference. You can add event handler for those events.
list of events
example usage
Look at There are two event handlers in that file:
/** * handle for peer_join_room event. * This event will be fired when there is new peer joining the room */'peer_join_room', function (data); /** * handle for peer_leave_room event. * This event will be fired when there is a peer leaving the room. */'peer_leave_room', function (data);
Chat using datachannel (soon)
Screen sharing
mute mic
mute video
BSD License
Initial client code of this library come from project