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A modern Neovim plugin for MATLAB integration with tmux. This plugin provides enhanced integration between Neovim, MATLAB, and tmux, making your MATLAB development workflow more efficient.

This plugin is inspired by MortenStabenau/matlab-vim but rewritten in Lua for Neovim with a modular architecture and enhanced functionality.

The plugin is far from complete, but based on some brief internet search, it seems to be the only MATLAB plugin for Neovim. Contributions are more than welcome.

Demo of Neovim MATLAB Plugin


  • Automatically launches a MATLAB console in a tmux split
  • Run MATLAB scripts directly from Neovim
  • Execute MATLAB code cells (sections between %% comments)
  • Fold/unfold MATLAB cell sections
  • Visual breakpoint indication with customizable appearance
  • Set and clear breakpoints interactively
  • Access MATLAB documentation
  • View MATLAB workspace in a floating window
  • Enhanced syntax highlighting with bold cell headers
  • Reliable tmux pane sizing and management
  • Space leader key compatibility
  • Minimal notification mode for distraction-free workflow


  • Neovim 0.7.0 or later
  • tmux (must be installed and you must run Neovim inside a tmux session)

Tmux Setup

This plugin requires you to run Neovim inside a tmux session. If you're not familiar with tmux, here's a quick start:

  1. Install tmux:

    • macOS: brew install tmux
    • Ubuntu/Debian: sudo apt install tmux
    • CentOS/RHEL: sudo yum install tmux
  2. Start a tmux session:

  3. Inside the tmux session, launch Neovim:

  4. Basic tmux commands:

    • Split horizontally: Ctrl-b "
    • Split vertically: Ctrl-b %
    • Switch panes: Ctrl-b arrow-key
    • Detach session (without closing): Ctrl-b d
    • Reattach to session: tmux attach


use {
  config = function()

Using lazy.nvim

  config = function()


You can customize matlab.nvim by passing options to the setup function:

  -- Path to MATLAB executable (should be full path)
  executable = '/path/to/matlab',            
  -- UI options
  panel_size = 50,                  -- Size of the tmux pane (in percentage)
  panel_size_type = 'percentage',   -- 'percentage' or 'fixed' (fixed = columns)
  tmux_pane_direction = 'right',    -- Position of the tmux pane ('right', 'below')
  tmux_pane_focus = true,           -- Make tmux pane visible when created
  -- Behavior options
  auto_start = true,                -- Auto-start MATLAB when opening a .m file
  default_mappings = true,          -- Enable default keymappings
  force_nogui_with_breakpoints = true, -- Prevent MATLAB GUI from opening when breakpoints exist
  -- Breakpoint visualization
  breakpoint = {
    sign_text = '',                -- Character to use for breakpoint sign
    sign_hl = 'MatlabBreakpoint',   -- Highlight group for the sign
    line_hl = 'MatlabBreakpointLine', -- Highlight group for the entire line
    num_hl = 'MatlabBreakpoint',    -- Highlight group for the line number
  -- Notification options
  minimal_notifications = false,    -- Only show important notifications
  debug = false,                    -- Enable debug logging
  -- Keymap customization
  mappings = {
    prefix = '<Leader>m',           -- Common prefix for all MATLAB mappings
    run = 'r',                      -- Run MATLAB script
    run_cell = 'c',                 -- Run current MATLAB cell
    run_to_cell = 't',              -- Run to current MATLAB cell
    breakpoint = 'b',               -- Set breakpoint at current line
    clear_breakpoint = 'd',         -- Clear breakpoint in current file
    clear_breakpoints = 'D',        -- Clear all breakpoints
    doc = 'h',                      -- Show documentation for word under cursor
    toggle_workspace = 'w',         -- Toggle workspace floating window
    show_workspace = 'W',           -- Show MATLAB workspace in tmux pane
    clear_workspace = 'x',          -- Clear MATLAB workspace
    save_workspace = 's',           -- Save MATLAB workspace
    load_workspace = 'l',           -- Load MATLAB workspace
    toggle_cell_fold = 'f',         -- Toggle current cell fold
    toggle_all_cell_folds = 'F',    -- Toggle all cell folds
    open_in_gui = 'g',             -- Open current script in MATLAB GUI

MATLAB Executable Detection

The plugin will automatically attempt to find your MATLAB installation by searching common installation paths based on your operating system. If found, it will use that installation for the current session and suggest updating your configuration.

The automatic detection searches for recent MATLAB versions (up to 5 years back) in standard installation directories.

However, if you're getting the error "Something went wrong starting the MATLAB server", it's best to explicitly specify the full path to your MATLAB executable:

For macOS:

  executable = '/Applications/',  -- Adjust according to your version
  -- other options...

For Linux:

  executable = '/usr/local/MATLAB/R2024a/bin/matlab',  -- Adjust according to your installation
  -- other options...

For Windows:

  executable = 'C:\\Program Files\\MATLAB\\R2024a\\bin\\matlab.exe',  -- Adjust according to your installation
  -- other options...

Finding Your MATLAB Path

If you're not sure where MATLAB is installed:


  1. Open Finder
  2. Navigate to Applications folder
  3. Look for "" (where #### is the year and x is a or b)
  4. The executable is located at /Applications/


  1. Run which matlab in your terminal to see if it's in your PATH
  2. Common installation directories include:
    • /usr/local/MATLAB/R####x/bin/matlab
    • /opt/MATLAB/R####x/bin/matlab
    • ~/MATLAB/R####x/bin/matlab


  1. Check Program Files folder: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R####x\bin\matlab.exe
  2. Or for 32-bit MATLAB on 64-bit Windows: C:\Program Files (x86)\MATLAB\R####x\bin\matlab.exe

Common Tasks

  • Running Code:

    • Open any MATLAB file (.m) with Neovim inside tmux
    • Use <Leader>mr or :MatlabRun to execute the current file
    • Use <Leader>mc or :MatlabRunCell to execute the current cell (code section between %% markers)
    • Use <Leader>mt or :MatlabRunToCell to execute all code from the beginning to the current cell
  • Working with Cells:

    • MATLAB cells are sections of code separated by %% comment lines
    • Use <Leader>mf to fold/unfold the current cell
    • Use <Leader>mF to fold/unfold all cells
    • Use <Leader>mc or :MatlabRunCell to execute only the current cell
  • Debugging:

    • Use <Leader>mb or :MatlabBreakpoint to set a breakpoint at the current line (with visual indicator)
    • Use <Leader>md or :MatlabClearBreakpoint to clear a breakpoint in the current file
    • Use <Leader>mD or :MatlabClearBreakpoints to clear all breakpoints
    • Run your code with <Leader>mr or :MatlabRun to hit the breakpoints
    • By default, MATLAB GUI won't open even when breakpoints are present (force_nogui_with_breakpoints option)
    • Use <Leader>mg or :MatlabOpenInGUI if you want to open the current script in MATLAB GUI
  • Documentation:

    • Place cursor on any MATLAB function
    • Use <Leader>mh or :MatlabDoc to display documentation for it
  • Workspace Management:

    • Use <Leader>mw or :MatlabToggleWorkspace to view variables in a side panel
    • Press r in the workspace window to refresh variables
    • Use <Leader>mx or :MatlabClearWorkspace to clear all variables
    • Use <Leader>ms or :MatlabSaveWorkspace to save your MATLAB workspace
    • Use <Leader>ml or :MatlabLoadWorkspace to load a saved workspace
  • UI & Customization:

    • Use :MatlabDebugUI to check your current UI settings
    • Control notification verbosity with the minimal_notifications option
    • Customize tmux pane size and position with panel_size and tmux_pane_direction
  • Customizing Keymappings:

    • Full support for Space as leader key with proper handling of key conflicts
    • You can customize all keymappings through the mappings table in your setup
    • Use the prefix option to change the common prefix for all mappings
    • Example: To use comma as a prefix and change the run key to 'e':
        mappings = {
          prefix = ',',  -- Use comma as prefix
          run = 'e',     -- Run script with ,e
          -- other mappings remain default...

Default Keymappings

When default_mappings is enabled, the following keymaps are available in MATLAB files. All mappings start with <Leader>m followed by a second key:

Mapping Command Description
<Leader>mr :MatlabRun Run current MATLAB script
<Leader>mc :MatlabRunCell Run current MATLAB cell
<Leader>mt :MatlabRunToCell Run up to current MATLAB cell
<Leader>mb :MatlabBreakpoint Set breakpoint at current line
<Leader>md :MatlabClearBreakpoint Clear breakpoint in current file
<Leader>mD :MatlabClearBreakpoints Clear all breakpoints
<Leader>mh :MatlabDoc Show documentation for word under cursor
<Leader>mw :MatlabToggleWorkspace Toggle workspace floating window
<Leader>mW :MatlabWorkspace Show MATLAB workspace in tmux pane
<Leader>mx :MatlabClearWorkspace Clear MATLAB workspace
<Leader>ms :MatlabSaveWorkspace Save MATLAB workspace
<Leader>ml :MatlabLoadWorkspace Load MATLAB workspace
<Leader>mf :MatlabToggleCellFold Toggle current cell fold
<Leader>mF :MatlabToggleAllCellFolds Toggle all cell folds
<Leader>mg :MatlabOpenInGUI Open current script in MATLAB GUI




matlab plugin for Neovim written in lua







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