用于 NestJS 的阿里云表格存储模块。
Aliyun Tablestore module for NestJS.
npm install nestjs-aliyun-tablestore
根据您的需要导入 TablestoreModule
并配置访问凭证。比如在 app.module.ts
Import TablestoreModule
and configure access credentials according to your needs. For example, in the app.module.ts
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'
import { TablestoreModule } from 'nestjs-aliyun-tablestore'
// 使用 AK 初始化 Initialize with Access Key
endpoint: 'https://example.cn-hangzhou.ots.aliyuncs.com',
accessKeyId: 'your-access-key-id',
secretAccessKey: 'your-secret-access-key',
instancename: 'your-instance-name',
maxRetries: 20, // Optional
// 使用 STS 初始化 Initialize with Session Token
// TablestoreModule.register({
// endpoint: 'https://example.cn-hangzhou.ots.aliyuncs.com',
// accessKeyId: 'your-access-key-id',
// accessKeySecret: 'your-access-key-secret',
// instancename: 'your-instance-name',
// stsToken: 'your-sts-token',
// }),
// ...
export class AppModule {}
If you want to use asynchronous configuration:
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common'
import { TablestoreModule } from 'nestjs-aliyun-tablestore'
// 使用 AK 初始化 Initialize with Access Key
useFactory: () => {
return {
endpoint: 'https://example.cn-hangzhou.ots.aliyuncs.com',
accessKeyId: 'your-access-key-id',
secretAccessKey: 'your-secret-access-key',
instancename: 'your-instance-name',
maxRetries: 20, // Optional
// 使用 STS 初始化 Initialize with Session Token
// TablestoreModule.registerAsync({
// useFactory: () => {
// return {
// endpoint: 'https://example.cn-hangzhou.ots.aliyuncs.com',
// accessKeyId: 'your-access-key-id',
// accessKeySecret: 'your-access-key-secret',
// instancename: 'your-instance-name',
// stsToken: 'your-sts-token',
// }
// }
// }),
// ...
export class AppModule {}
之后即可在您的 Service 中通过 TablestoreService
获取 SDK 客户端:
After that, you can get the SDK client through the TablestoreService
in your service:
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'
import {
Client as TablestoreClient,
} from 'nestjs-aliyun-tablestore'
export class AppService {
private tablestoreClient: TablestoreClient
constructor(private tablestore: TablestoreService) {
this.tablestoreClient = tablestore.getClient()
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