- java -version 1.7+
- virgo [download virgo] ( -version 3.5+
in .m2/settings.xml :
mvn clean install -Pdevelopment
cd $VIRGO_HOME/virgo/bin/
- URL: http://localhost:8080/manage/
- Default credentials: admin/password
After C3 is built with mvn install
you can immediately build & run a Docker image with new C3 binaries:
mvn clean install
cd c3-deploy/target/docker/ && docker build -t ifunsoftware/c3-next:snapshot .
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 7375:7375 -p 8443:8443 -p 8022:22 c3-next
or you can just run the script:
This script does the following:
- Builds C3 artifacts.
- Stops all currently running containers with latest c3-next image.
- Builds Docker image with new artifacts.
- Starts new container.
See repository for more details about C3 Docker support.