First, clone this repository. I like to keep it in ~/projects/
git clone
While automatic installation is WIP:
- Install the dependencies (
) - Remove any existing vimrc and symlink a
directory todotfiles/vim/
rm -r ~/.vimrc
rm -r ~/.vim
ln -s ~/projects/dotfiles/.vim ~/.vim
Note: when using vim-devicons
, use brew list font-hack-nerd-font
, then on iTerm, open Preferences -> Profiles -> Text -> Change Font -> Select Hack Nerd Font
If using neovim, create ~/.config/init.vim
. Inside, add:
set runtimepath^=~/.vim runtimepath+=~/.vim/after
let &packpath = &runtimepath
source ~/.vim/vimrc
Some plugins are rarely used and can be omitted. On terminal, run VIM_MODE=lite vim
You can also add an alias in .bashrc
/ .zshrc
alias vimlite='VIM_MODE=lite vim'
If you've already installed the non-lite plugins, you can uninstall them with :PlugClean!
rm .tmux.conf
ln -s ~/projects/dotfiles/.tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf