pdanonymizer is a Python library for finding, masking or replacing personal data in files, IO streams, etc.
Use the package manager pip to install pdanonymizer.
pip install .
Training new model by dataset and saving it as folder:
python3 pdanonymizer -a train -d [dataset file] -o [model dir]
Continue training existing model by new dataset and saving it as folder:
python3 pdanonymizer -a post_train -m [model dir] -d [dataset file] -o [model folder]
Automatic validation (testing) of existing model on dataset:
python3 pdanonymizer -a test_auto -m [model dir] -d [dataset file]
Manual testing of existing model by inputting string:
python3 pdanonymizer -a test_manual -m [model dir] -d [string]
Converting mainstream json datasets (generated on websites) to specific pdanonymizer dataset format:
python3 pdanonymizer -a convert -d [dataset file]
Creating new pdanonymizer datasets with needed number of entities from converted one:
python3 pdanonymizer -a create -d [raw dataset file] -v [entities amount] -o [new dataset file]
Replacing personal data in file by fake data with the help of pdanonymizer model and saving edited file:
python3 pdanonymizer -a predict_file -m [model dir] -d [old file] -o [new file]
Masking personal data in file by fake data with the help of pdanonymizer model and saving edited file:
python3 pdanonymizer -a mask_file -m [model dir] -d [old file] -o [new file]
Masking personal data in images by black squares with the help of pdanonymizer model and saving edited image:
python3 pdanonymizer -a mask_image -d [input image filename] -o [output image filename]
Pseudo-GUI mode of application:
python3 pdanonymizer -a interact
Validated on this dataset
Model | Accuracy (label) | Accuracy (entity) | Accuracy (total) | Time |
model_10 | 26.57% | 29.17% | 14.02% | 1.33s |
model_100 | 66.98% | 65.33% | 76.80% | 1.33s |
model_1000 | 93.73% | 97.40% | 93.43% | 1.32s |
model_10000 | 97.34% | 98.05% | 95.74% | 1.31s |
model_100000 | 95.92% | 98.17% | 94.79% | 1.31s |
w/o pdanonymizer:
python3 examples/sql_example.py
Ivan Ivanov 0-345-43-43 25.03.1874
Rodger Wellington +7-950-434-43-43 05/03/2000
Stan Smith +1-900-456-43-34 01.02.1990
w/ pdanonymizer:
python3 examples/sql_example.py | python3 pdanonymizer
Helen Church 001-625-632-4152 21.10.1983
Perry Lucas 767-863-7211 13.02.2013
Katherine Sheppard 001-822-636-2875x5676 18.12.2016
Another example of data replacing in SQL file provided by test_db project. Compare outputs.
w/o pdanonymizer:
mysql < examples/sql/test_print.sql
emp_no birth_date first_name last_name gender hire_date
10037 1963-07-22 Pradeep Makrucki M 1990-12-05
10038 1960-07-20 Huan Lortz M 1989-09-20
10039 1959-10-01 Alejandro Brender M 1988-01-19
10040 1959-09-13 Weiyi Meriste F 1993-02-14
10041 1959-08-27 Uri Lenart F 1989-11-12
10042 1956-02-26 Magy Stamatiou F 1993-03-21
10043 1960-09-19 Yishay Tzvieli M 1990-10-20
10044 1961-09-21 Mingsen Casley F 1994-05-21
10045 1957-08-14 Moss Shanbhogue M 1989-09-02
10046 1960-07-23 Lucien Rosenbaum M 1992-06-20
10047 1952-06-29 Zvonko Nyanchama M 1989-03-31
10048 1963-07-11 Florian Syrotiuk M 1985-02-24
10049 1961-04-24 Basil Tramer F 1992-05-04
10050 1958-05-21 Yinghua Dredge M 1990-12-25
10051 1953-07-28 Hidefumi Caine M 1992-10-15
10052 1961-02-26 Heping Nitsch M 1988-05-21
10053 1954-09-13 Sanjiv Zschoche F 1986-02-04
10054 1957-04-04 Mayumi Schueller M 1995-03-13
10055 1956-06-06 Georgy Dredge M 1992-04-27
10056 1961-09-01 Brendon Bernini F 1990-02-01
10057 1954-05-30 Ebbe Callaway F 1992-01-15
w/ pdanonymizer:
mysql < examples/sql/test_print.sql | python3 pdanonymizer
emp_no birth_date first_name last_name gender hire_date
8787379297843 30.10.2004 Scott Mathews M 13.07.1981
5527296127105 25.06.2003 Andrade Jacobson M 20.01.2013
1436125488352 04.01.1976 George Powers M 23.06.2003
9691495824069 09.09.1981 MD Moore F 06.02.1988
3952266963094 24.01.1986 Uri Ortiz F 02.07.1971
6917352791620 29.05.2000 Dickson Peterson F 20.02.1991
2082483942457 20.01.1982 Black Weaver M 23.03.2002
4161563061665 10.03.1973 Gilbert Larson F 24.07.1986
0867367983250 02.09.2020 Tucker Garza M 22.07.1996
2841039452051 03.09.1989 Castaneda Hickman M 02.04.1972
1448254445397 04.11.1975 Petersen Harris M 02.11.1971
0604775503546 29.01.2015 Martin Lawrence M 17.01.2010
9446687385589 26.01.1994 Sutton Osborne F 22.03.1993
0447931894436 26.10.1981 Miller Davis M 28.08.1993
1497766755999 06.09.1985 Stout Smith M 03.12.2000
5108961087094 31.10.1986 Frey Gillespie M 31.03.2013
5188092281882 06.05.2015 Miller Burch F 07.01.2015
4237196973139 05.01.1979 Walker Garza M 25.02.1988
7840814674904 24.12.1983 James Banks M 11.12.1986
4594521752198 18.05.1982 Arnold Crosby F 26.12.1995
4071661846432 18.04.1974 Hernandez Ward F 14.05.1982
Testing on real CSV data:
w/o pdanonymizer:
"Name", "Sex", "Age", "Height (in)", "Weight (lbs)"
"Alex", "M", 41, 74, 170
"Bert", "M", 42, 68, 166
"Carl", "M", 32, 70, 155
"Dave", "M", 39, 72, 167
"Elly", "F", 30, 66, 124
"Fran", "F", 33, 66, 115
"Gwen", "F", 26, 64, 121
"Hank", "M", 30, 71, 158
"Ivan", "M", 53, 72, 175
"Jake", "M", 32, 69, 143
"Kate", "F", 47, 69, 139
"Luke", "M", 34, 72, 163
"Myra", "F", 23, 62, 98
"Neil", "M", 36, 75, 160
"Omar", "M", 38, 70, 145
"Page", "F", 31, 67, 135
"Quin", "M", 29, 71, 176
"Ruth", "F", 28, 65, 131
w/ pdanonymizer (via web-app):
"Name", "Sex", "Age", "Height (in)", "Weight (lbs)"
"Aguilar", "M", 41, 74, 170
"Thompson", "M", 42, 68, 166
"Williams", "M", 32, 70, 155
"Tucker", "M", 39, 72, 167
"Lindsey", "F", 30, 66, 124
"Klein", "F", 33, 66, 115
"Dean", "F", 26, 64, 121
"Lane", "M", 30, 71, 158
"Tyler", "M", 53, 72, 175
"Brown", "M", 32, 69, 143
"Phillips", "F", 47, 69, 139
"Martinez", "M", 34, 72, 163
"Maldonado", "F", 23, 62, 98
"Patrick", "M", 36, 75, 160
"Lawrence", "M", 38, 70, 145
"Walker", "F", 31, 67, 135
"Warren", "M", 29, 71, 176
"Heath", "F", 28, 65, 131
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.