git cherry-pick
Generating the Server Keystore:
keytool -genkeypair -alias secure-server -keyalg RSA -dname "CN=localhost,OU=d8,O=d8,L=Riga,S=Latvia,C=lv" -keypass secret -keystore server-keystore.jks -storepass secret
Generating the Client Keystore:
keytool -genkeypair -alias secure-client -keyalg RSA -dname "CN=client,OU=Inna,O=Inna,L=Riga,S=Latvia,C=lv" -keypass secret -keystore client-keystore.jks -storepass secret
Import the supported client's public certificates intro the server truststore:
- Export the client public certificate:
keytool -exportcert -alias secure-client -file client-public.cer -keystore client-keystore.jks -storepass secret
- Import it in the server truststore:
keytool -importcert -keystore server-truststore.jks -alias clientcert -file client-public.cer -storepass secret
- Import the server's public certificate into the client truststores:
- Export the server public certificate:
keytool -exportcert -alias secure-server -file server-public.cer -keystore server-keystore.jks -storepass secret
- Import it in the client truststore:
keytool -importcert -keystore client-truststore.jks -alias servercert -file server-public.cer -storepass secret
browser: keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore client-keystore.jks -destkeystore client.p12 -deststoretype PKCS12