IEX Cloud API for C# and other .net languages. Supports SSE streaming.
This library currently targets netstandard20
. Thus, it can be used with .net framework 4.6.1
+ or .net core 2.0
Prereleases are on GH Packages. A new prerelease is built automatically after every commit.
Releases are on NuGet
public IEXCloudClient(string publishableToken, string secretToken, bool signRequest, bool useSandBox,
APIVersion version = APIVersion.stable, RetryPolicy retryPolicy = RetryPolicy.Exponential)
First, create an instance of IEXCloudClient
// For FREE and LAUNCH users
IEXCloudClient iexCloudClient =
new IEXCloudClient("publishableToken", "secretToken", signRequest: false, useSandBox: false);
// For SCALE and GROW users
IEXCloudClient iexCloudClient =
new IEXCloudClient("publishableToken", "secretToken", signRequest: true, useSandBox: false);
// Sandbox
IEXCloudClient iexCloudClient =
new IEXCloudClient("publishableToken", "secretToken", signRequest: false, useSandBox: true);
To display historical prices. Read more about DateTime in the wiki.
using (var iexCloudClient =
new IEXCloudClient("publishableToken", "secretToken", signRequest: false, useSandBox: false))
var response = await iexCloudClient.StockPrices.HistoricalPriceAsync("AAPL", ChartRange.OneMonth);
if (response.ErrorMessage != null)
foreach (var ohlc in response.Data)
var dt = ohlc.GetTimestampInEST(); // note use of the extension method instead of
$"{dt} Open: {}, High: {ohlc.high}, Low: {ohlc.low}, Close: {ohlc.close}, Vol: {ohlc.volume}");
To use SSE streaming (only included with paid IEX subscription plans). Extended example in the wiki.
using (var sseClient = iexCloudClient.StockPrices.QuoteStream(symbols: new string[] { "spy", "aapl" },
UTP: false, interval: StockQuoteSSEInterval.OneSecond))
sseClient.Error += (s, e) =>
Console.WriteLine("Error Occurred. Details: {0}", e.Exception.Message);
sseClient.MessageReceived += m =>
await sseClient.StartAsync(); // this will block until Stop() is called
Additional usage examples are illustrated in the test project: IEXSharpTest
IEX has deprecated most of their legacy API. However, some functions are still active and you can access them via:
IEXLegacyClient iexLegacyClient = new IEXLegacyClient();
We welcome pull requests! See
Data provided for free by IEX via their IEX Cloud API Per their guidelines:
- Required: If you display any delayed price data, you must display “15 minute delayed price” as a disclaimer.
- Required: If you display latestVolume you must display “Consolidated Volume in Real-time” as a disclaimer.
- Required: If you use cash flow, income statement, balance sheet, financials, or fundamentals endpoints, use must display “Data provided by New Constructs, LLC © All rights reserved.”
- Note on # data: All CTA and UTP # data is delayed at least 15 minutes.
This project is not related to the similarly named IEX-Sharp
- Thanks to Zhirong Huang (ZHCode) for his great foundational work on this library