Command Line Interface for MarkdownLint
npm install -g markdownlint-cli
On macOS you can install via Homebrew:
brew install markdownlint-cli
markdownlint --help
Usage: markdownlint [options] [files|directories|globs...]
MarkdownLint Command Line Interface
files|directories|globs files, directories, and/or globs to lint
-V, --version output the version number
-c, --config <configFile> configuration file (JSON, JSONC, JS, YAML, or TOML)
--configPointer <pointer> JSON Pointer to object within configuration file (default: "")
-d, --dot include files/folders with a dot (for example `.github`)
-f, --fix fix basic errors (does not work with STDIN)
-i, --ignore <file|directory|glob> file(s) to ignore/exclude (default: [])
-j, --json write issues in json format
-o, --output <outputFile> write issues to file (no console)
-p, --ignore-path <file> path to file with ignore pattern(s)
-q, --quiet do not write issues to STDOUT
-r, --rules <file|directory|glob|package> include custom rule files (default: [])
-s, --stdin read from STDIN (does not work with files)
--enable <rules...> Enable certain rules, e.g. --enable MD013 MD041 --
--disable <rules...> Disable certain rules, e.g. --disable MD013 MD041 --
-h, --help display help for command
Or run using Docker and GitHub Packages:
docker run -v $PWD:/workdir "*.md"
Note Because
are variadic arguments that accept multiple values, it is necessary to end the list by passing--
before the<files|directories|globs>
argument like so:markdownlint --disable MD013 --
supports advanced globbing patterns like **/*.md
(more information).
With shells like Bash, it may be necessary to quote globs so they are not interpreted by the shell.
For example, --ignore *.md
would be expanded by Bash to --ignore ...
before invoking markdownlint-cli
, causing it to ignore only the first file because --ignore
takes a single parameter (though it can be used multiple times).
Quoting the glob like --ignore '*.md'
passes it through unexpanded and ignores the set of files.
To lint all Markdown files in a Node.js project (excluding dependencies), the following commands might be used:
Windows CMD: markdownlint **/*.md --ignore node_modules
Linux Bash: markdownlint '**/*.md' --ignore node_modules
If present in the current folder, a .markdownlintignore
file will be used to ignore files and/or directories according to the rules for gitignore.
If the -p
option is present, the specified file will be used instead of .markdownlintignore
The order of operations is:
- Enumerate files/directories/globs passed on the command line
- Apply exclusions from
(if specified) or.markdownlintignore
(if present) - Apply exclusions from any
option(s) that are specified
When the --fix
option is specified, markdownlint-cli
tries to apply all fixes reported by the active rules and reports any errors that remain.
Because this option makes changes to the input files, it is good to make a backup first or work with files under source control so any unwanted changes can be undone.
Because not all rules include fix information when reporting errors, fixes may overlap, and not all errors are fixable,
will not usually address all errors.
reuses the rules from markdownlint
Configuration is stored in JSON, JSONC, YAML, INI, or TOML files in the same config format.
A sample configuration file:
"default": true,
"MD003": { "style": "atx_closed" },
"MD007": { "indent": 4 },
"no-hard-tabs": false,
"whitespace": false
For more examples, see .markdownlint.jsonc, .markdownlint.yaml, test-config.toml or the style folder.
The CLI argument --config
is not required.
If it is not provided, markdownlint-cli
looks for the file .markdownlint.jsonc
in current folder, or for the file .markdownlintrc
in the current or all parent folders.
The algorithm is described in detail on the rc
package page.
Note that when relying on the lookup of a file named .markdownlintrc
in the current or parent folders, the only syntaxes accepted are INI and JSON, and the file cannot have an extension.
If the --config
argument is provided, the file must be valid JSON, JSONC, JS, or YAML.
JS configuration files contain JavaScript code, must have the .js
or .cjs
file extension, and must export (via module.exports = ...
) a configuration object of the form shown above.
If your workspace (project) is ESM-only ("type": "module"
set in the root package.json
file), then the configuration file should end with .cjs
file extension.
A JS configuration file may internally require
one or more npm packages as a way of reusing configuration across projects.
The --configPointer
argument allows the use of JSON Pointer syntax to identify a sub-object within the configuration object (per above).
This argument can be used with any configuration file type and makes it possible to nest a configuration object within another file like package.json
or pyproject.toml
(e.g., via /key
or /key/subkey
and --disable
override configuration files; if a configuration file disables MD123
and you pass --enable MD123
, it will be enabled.
If a rule is passed to both --enable
and --disable
, it will be disabled.
- JS configuration files must be provided via the
argument; they are not automatically loaded because running untrusted code is a security concern.- TOML configuration files must be provided via the
argument; they are not automatically loaded.
returns one of the following exit codes:
: Program ran successfully1
: Linting errors2
: Unable to write-o
output file3
: Unable to load-r
custom rule4
: Unexpected error (e.g. malformed config)
To run markdownlint-cli
as part of a pre-commit workflow, add something like the below to the repos
list in the project's .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo:
rev: v0.44.0
- id: markdownlint
Depending on the environment this workflow runs in, it may be necessary to override the language version of Node.js used by pre-commit.
- markdownlint - API for this module
- markdownlint-cli2 - Alternate CLI implementation
- glob - Pattern matching implementation
- ignore -
MIT © Igor Shubovych