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Use Reusable Pipeline (#376)
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* Use Reusable Pipeline

* requires slurm

* remove 3.10

* try adding ulimit

* change to 2G

* try &&

* Update Makefile

* Update Makefile
  • Loading branch information
patricktnast authored Jan 15, 2025
1 parent 92de237 commit bd2cf4e
Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 234 deletions.
236 changes: 2 additions & 234 deletions Jenkinsfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,234 +1,2 @@
def githubUsernameToSlackName(github_author) {
// Add team members as necessary
def mapping = [
"Jim Albright": "albrja",
"Steve Bachmeier": "sbachmei",
"Hussain Jafari": "hjafari",
"Patrick Nast": "pnast",
"Rajan Mudambi": "rmudambi",
return mapping.get(github_author, "channel")

// defaults for conda and pip are a local directory /svc-simsci for improved speed.
// In the past, we used /ihme/code/* on the NFS (which is slower)
// comma separated string list of branches to run periodic builds on
scheduled_branches = "main"
CRON_SETTINGS = scheduled_branches.split(',').collect{it.trim()}.contains(BRANCH_NAME) ? 'H H(20-23) * * *' : ''

pipeline {
// This agent runs as svc-simsci on slurm node.
// It has access to standard IHME filesystems and singularity
agent { label "slurm" }

options {
// Keep 100 old builds.
buildDiscarder logRotator(numToKeepStr: "100")

// Wait 60 seconds before starting the build.
// If another commit enters the build queue in this time, the first build will be discarded.

// Fail immediately if any part of a parallel stage fails

parameters {
name: "SLACK_TO",
defaultValue: "simsci-ci-status",
description: "The Slack channel to send messages to."
name: "DEBUG",
defaultValue: false,
description: "Used as needed for debugging purposes."

environment {
// Get the branch being built and strip everything but the text after the last "/"
BRANCH = sh(script: "echo ${GIT_BRANCH} | rev | cut -d '/' -f1 | rev", returnStdout: true).trim()
TIMESTAMP = sh(script: 'date', returnStdout: true)
// Specify the path to the .condarc file via environment variable.
// This file configures the shared conda package cache.
CONDARC = "${shared_path}/miniconda3/.condarc"
CONDA_BIN_PATH = "${shared_path}/miniconda3/bin"
// Specify conda env by build number so that we don't have collisions if builds from
// different branches happen concurrently.
CONDA_ENV_NAME = "${conda_env_name}"
CONDA_ENV_PATH = "${conda_env_path}"
// Set the Pip cache.
XDG_CACHE_HOME = "${shared_path}/pip-cache"
// Jenkins commands run in separate processes, so need to activate the environment every
// time we run pip, poetry, etc.
ACTIVATE = "source ${CONDA_BIN_PATH}/activate ${CONDA_ENV_PATH} &> /dev/null"
triggers {
stages {
stage("Initialization") {
steps {
script {
// Use the name of the branch in the build name
currentBuild.displayName = "#${BUILD_NUMBER} ${GIT_BRANCH}"

// Tell BitBucket that a build has started.

stage("Debug Info") {
steps {
echo "Jenkins pipeline run timestamp: ${TIMESTAMP}"
// Display parameters used.
echo """Parameters:

// Display environment variables from Jenkins.
echo """Environment:

stage("Build Environment") {
environment {
// Command for activating the base environment. Activating the base environment sets
// the correct path to the conda binary which is used to create a new conda env.
ACTIVATE_BASE = "source ${CONDA_BIN_PATH}/activate &> /dev/null"
steps {
// The env should have been cleaned out after the last build, but delete it again
// here just to be safe.
sh "rm -rf ${CONDA_ENV_PATH}"
sh "${ACTIVATE_BASE} && make build-env"
// open permissions for test users to create file in workspace
sh "chmod 777 ${WORKSPACE}"

stage("Install Package") {
steps {
sh "${ACTIVATE} && make install"

stage("Quality Checks") {
parallel {
stage("Format") {
steps {
sh "${ACTIVATE} && make format"

stage("Lint") {
steps {
sh "${ACTIVATE} && make lint"

stage("Test") {
// removable, if passwords can be exported to env. securely without bash indirection
parallel {
stage("Run Unit Tests") {
steps {
sh "${ACTIVATE} && make unit"
allowMissing: true,
alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false,
keepAll: true,
reportDir: "output/htmlcov_unit",
reportFiles: "index.html",
reportName: "Coverage Report - Unit Tests",
reportTitles: ''

stage("Run Integration Tests") {
steps {
sh "${ACTIVATE} && make integration"
allowMissing: true,
alwaysLinkToLastBuild: false,
keepAll: true,
reportDir: "output/htmlcov_integration",
reportFiles: "index.html",
reportName: "Coverage Report - Integration Tests",
reportTitles: ''

post {
always {
sh "${ACTIVATE} && make clean"
sh "rm -rf ${CONDA_ENV_PATH}"
// Generate a message to send to Slack.
script {
if (env.BRANCH == "main") {
channelName = "simsci-ci-status"
} else {
channelName = "simsci-ci-status-test"
// Run git command to get the author of the last commit
developerID = sh(
script: "git log -1 --pretty=format:'%an'",
returnStdout: true
slackID = githubUsernameToSlackName(developerID)
slackMessage = """
Job: *${env.JOB_NAME}*
Build number: #${env.BUILD_NUMBER}
Build status: *${currentBuild.result}*
Author: @${slackID}
Build details: <${env.BUILD_URL}/console|See in web console>

// Delete the workspace directory.
failure {
echo "This build triggered by ${developerID} failed on ${GIT_BRANCH}. Sending a failure message to Slack."
slackSend channel: "#${channelName}",
message: slackMessage,
teamDomain: "ihme",
tokenCredentialId: "slack"
success {
script {
if (params.DEBUG) {
echo 'Debug is enabled. Sending a success message to Slack.'
slackSend channel: "#${channelName}",
message: slackMessage,
teamDomain: "ihme",
tokenCredentialId: "slack"
} else {
echo 'Debug is not enabled. No success message will be sent to Slack.'
@Library("vivarium_build_utils") _
reusable_pipeline(test_types: ["unit", "integration"], python_versions: ["3.11"], requires_slurm: true, skip_build: true)

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