The Java search engine is designed for multi-threaded indexing of a given group of sites with subsequent search by their content (Russian words).
The optimal speed of the program is ensured by:
Search engine developed on stack of technology:
Open live demo and go to "Indexing and search" chapter, point 2.
- Hosting:
- Server characteristics:
Processor: 1 core 2Ghz;
Memory: 2 Gb;
SSD: 20 GB.
- Install prerequisites:
Install MySQL 8.0.26 or later.
- Clone repository.
- Configure application.yml:
Type username and password for connect to database with corresponding rights;
Type sites url and name.
Type the maximum percentage of the appearance of the Lema from the total number of pages in the search. DEFAULT = 60%
- Configure your IDE:
Increase Xmx memory in VM options: -Xmx4096m;
Attach project directory "lib" with Russianmorphology in Project Settings -> Libraries;
Start Main method after maven download all project depencies.
- Open Search engine start page in browser - http://localhost:8080
- Go to management tab and click the "Start indexing" button;
In this implementation, when you start a full indexing, all previous data will be deleted! - On dashboard tab, you can monitor the progress of indexing;
- On search tab, you can enter a search query once any of the sites have been indexed;
If there are more than 10 results, click "show more"