A simple Elixir interface to Azure's translation API
If available in Hex, the package can be installed as:
def deps do
[{:bing_translator, "~> 1.0"}]
def application do
[applications: [:bing_translator]]
To # for the free tier (as of this writing), do the following:
spanish = BingTranslator.translate(text: "Hello. This will be translated!", from: "en", to: "es")
# without :from for auto language detection
spanish = BingTranslator.translate(text: "Hello. This will be translated!", to: "es")
locale = BingTranslator.detect(text: "Hello. This will be translated!") # => "en"
languages = BingTranslator.supported_language_codes # => ["ar", "bs-Latn", "bg", "ca", "zh-CHS",,,,,]
# The speak method calls a text-to-speech interface in the supplied language.
# It does not translate the text. Format can be 'audio/mp3' or 'audio/wav'
audio = BingTranslator.speak(text: "Hello. This will be spoken!", language: :en, format: "audio/mp3", options: "MaxQuality")
The default behaviour is to configure using the application environment:
In config/config.exs, add:
config :bing_translator,
subscription_key: "Your-Subscription-Key",
http_client_options: [] # [ssl: [{:versions, [:"tlsv1.2"]}]]
Or using environment variable