Cookie cutter recipe to easily create ansible roles. It infuses antigravity (or maybe not).
- Follows best practices.
- Only Creates the necessary files and folders.
- Blazing fast creation, forget about file creation and focus in actions.
It begin to ask you configuration variables then you can enter tasks names, handlers names, and default variables.
Inside a Add <some> name i.e (<example>) you can go to next section by entering an empty string.
ROLE CONFIGURATION: =================== Should it have tasks? [Y/n] Add task name i.e (Install packages) Add some task Add task name i.e (Install packages) another task Add task name i.e (Install packages) Should it have handlers? [Y/n] Add handler name i.e (Restart uwsgi) restart something Add handler name i.e (Restart uwsgi) alert someone Add handler name i.e (Restart uwsgi) It should contain default variables?: [Y/n] Add variable i.e (operator: : drunken_master) var: name Add variable i.e (operator: : drunken_master) Should it have meta info? [Y/n] - Should it have dependencies? [Y/n] Add dependency i.e ({role: aptsupercow, var: 'value'}) {role: cool, version: latest} Add dependency i.e ({role: aptsupercow, var: 'value'}) Should it have templates? [Y/n] n Should it have files? [Y/n] y
This will generate this folders (Please note the absence of templates folder):
. ├── CONTRIBUTORS.txt ├── defaults │ └── main.yml ├── files ├── handlers │ └── main.yml ├── LICENSE.rst ├── meta │ └── main.yml ├── README.rst └── tasks └── main.yml
All contributions are more than welcome, please do so.
- 3-clause BSD license.
- Copyright ©2014, Enrique Paredes
- Enjoy it!