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Version 2.0.0

This is a tool for managing synchronization between locale data in PhraseApp and committed in your project. It can perform JSON-aware three-way merges with respect to a common ancestor, and maintains a record of the common ancestor on PhraseApp using tags.

Our workflow considers localization data stored on PhraseApp to be a working copy for a given branch. We expect developers working on the code and translators working on PhraseApp to both be able to make changes and have them integrated.

PhraseApp provides APIs and a Ruby gem for accessing them, but the API only allows either a) completely overwriting PhraseApp's data with local data or b) reapplying PhraseApp's data on top of the local data. Neither of these cases is appropriate for integrating changes made on both sides.

What we want instead is a three way merge where the committed data wins on conflict. Non-conflicting changes on PhraseApp are preserved, while changes to the same key on both sides take the committed data. The result of the merge is then applied to both sides, keeping them up to date with each other.

This is especially important when removing keys. Imagine we have the following, no-longer useful key:

  one: An unused

On PhraseApp, we've added another plural form:

  one: An unused
  zero: No unused's

And in our feature branch, we remove it. The result we want is that the key completely disappears, instead of getting a result like either of the above.


This gem provides a command line interface for performing the merge and uploading the result to PhraseApp. To use it, install the gem:

gem install phraseapp_updater

You may also use this gem programatically from your own application.

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'phraseapp_updater'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install phraseapp_updater




phraseapp_updater setup creates and initializes a PhraseApp project corresponding to your branch. It must be provided with the current git revision of the branch and the path to the locale files.

phraseapp_updater setup --phraseapp_project_name=<yourbranch> --parent_commit=<yourhash> --phraseapp_api_key=<yourkey> --file-format=json <path_to_locales>


phraseapp_updater synchronize synchronizes a git remote branch with its corresponding PhraseApp project, incorporating changes from each side into the other. If both sides were changed, a three-way merge is performed. The result is uploaded to PhraseApp and committed and pushed to the git remote as appropriate.

The option --no_commit may be provided to restrict changes to the PhraseApp side. If specified, then in the case that the branch was modified, the merge result will be uploaded to PhraseApp and the common ancestor updated to the branch head.

phraseapp_updater synchronize <checkout_path> --prefix=config/locales --phraseapp_project_id=<yourid> --phraseapp_api_key=<yourkey>  --file-format=json


phraseapp_updater download downloads and normalizes locale files from PhraseApp, saving them to the specified location. The revision of the recorded common ancestor is printed to standard out.

phraseapp_updater download --phraseapp_project_id=<yourid> --phraseapp_api_key=<yourkey> --file-format=json <target_path>


phraseapp_updater upload uploads normalized locale files from your branch to PhraseApp and resets the recorded common ancestor to the specified revision.

phraseapp_updater upload --phraseapp_project_id=<yourid> --phraseapp_api_key=<yourkey> --file-format=json <path_to_locales>

Update Parent Commit phraseapp_updater update_parent_commit records a new common ancestor on PhraseApp without changing the locales.

phraseapp_updater update_parent_commit --phraseapp_project_id=<yourid> --phraseapp_api_key=<yourkey> --parent_commit=<yournewhash>


phraseapp_updater merge performs a content-aware three-way merge between locale files in three directories: ancestor_path, our_path, and their_path. In the case of conflicts, the changes from our_path are accepted. The results are normalized and written to the path specified with to.

phraseapp_updater merge ancestor_path our_path their_path --to target_path --file-format=json


Performs a content-aware diff between locale files in two directories. Returns with exit status 1 or 0 to signal differences or no differences respectively

phraseapp_updater diff path1 path2 --file-format=json

Future Improvements

If you'd like to contribute, these would be very helpful!

  • We'd like to use "unverified" translations on PhraseApp as the equivalent of an unstaged working copy. For this to work, we need to be able to recover previous translations at the same key. While PhraseApp doesn't itself keep this history, we could do this by restoring the absent keys from the diff between verified and unverified download from the common ancestor.
  • Expose the changed files on the command line.
  • Checking if PhraseApp files changed during execution before upload, to reduce the race condition window.
  • More specs for the API and shell.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. When everything is working, make a pull request.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.