- Combine multiple RUN instructions together: I'll reduce the amount of images layers created.
is preferred way to copy file to the container.ADD
instruction can download files from provided links and also unpack supported compression formats.- Using
instruction over theADD
instruction is recommended. - Aggressive Docker cache: place
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install ...
because in case update command is in a separateRUN
instruction, then this layer can be cached and you'll get outdated packages. - When docker build container from Dockerfile it creates a new layer for every instruction in intermediate container and create a new layer on top of the base image.
- Tagging and pushing modified images to the hub could save some time!
instruction should be added to every docker file. Container should run with non-privileged user (nobody).
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --link %link_container_name% %container_name%:%tag%
- run container from builded image and link some other container to it by passing it name to the --link
Starting from docker compose version 2 it supports docker network feature which allows containers being discovered by it's name automatically. Linking is not required anymore.
docker-compose logs -f
show and follow all containers logs.
docker-compose logs -f %container_name%
show and follow specific container logs.
docker-compose ps
- check the status of the containers managed by docker compose.
docker network ls
- shows list of docker networks.
docker network inspect %network_id%
- inspect network.
docker network connect %network_id% %container_id%
- connect container to the network.
Network type:
- none - doesn't have an access to the outside world, isolated.
- bridge - containers can access each other within bridge network. Containers can access outside worlds through the bridge.
- host - containers are located in the host network.
- overlay - support multi-host! none, bridge and host networkds could be created only on the sigle host. Running docker engine in the swarm mode or using key-value store like consul.
docker inspect %container/image id%
- inspect container or image.
docker commit %container_id% %repository%:%tag%
- by committing make a new image with changes done on top of the base image.
docker push %repositorys%:%tag%
- push container to the cloud service (docker hub).
docker build -t %container_name%:%tag% %context|path%
- build container from in the context (context means path to the directory where things should happen and where Dockerfile is).
docker logs %container_id%
- show running in background container logs.
docker exec -it %container_id% %command%
- execute commnd inside a container.
- With Circke CI you need to create
directory and place a .yml configuration file there. - Every config file should have
Docker machine helps to provision VMs where containers could be run. Running containers inside VMs gives better kernel and resouces separation. AWS doing this stuff.
docker-machine create --driver digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token f00bdaf3160983727dd444a34a38818ecbb8c7f381878632f60833bf794a1540 docker-app-machine
- provosion VM. VMs can be provisioned to the different platforms including AWS, Google Cloud, Azure.
eval $(docker-machine env docker-app-machine)
- setup current docker environment to the create VM in digital ocean.
docker-compose -f docker-compose.prod.yml up -d
- gereric command, but in case of remote VM deployed to the cloud current command will bring containers up there.
docker info
- current environment information.
https://docs.docker.com/machine/drivers/digital-ocean/ - digital ocean possible configs.
- Created VMs in digital ocean has a two IPs: one is publically accesable and another is private and can be accessed by hosts in the same datacenter.
docker swarm init
- init swarm mode. The docker engine targeted by this command becomes a manager in the newly created single-node swarm. Swarm managers can be a workers at the same time too but it's also possible to set them do manager job only.
docker swarm join --token SWMTKN-1-21z6ye90esgx10o0kohnbm3379iyx7w75jiqs4oue09902xzw4-0o9dltev9jfib8kvtldozr3bm
- join worker node to the swarm. This command should be run under worker node, so you can ssh into node (docker-machne ssh swarm-node
) and tun command inside of it.
swarm leave
- leave the swarm.
docker stack
is adocker-compose
in the swarm mode.
docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.prod.yml dockerapp_stack
- create a services stack from the docker-composer file. This command will update all services in the cluster automatically.
docker stack ls
- list all created docker stacks.
docker stack services dockerapp_stack
- give an overview of the services in stack.
docker stack rm dockerapp_stack
- remvoe stack.