Little project that fetches a list of companies, sort them by their share price and can show its details on a separate view.
Note: This project fetches data from an endpoint that seems to be no longer available, so this project just serves a my first little adventure with SwiftUI :)
- SwiftUI | Latest Apple multiplatform UI framework
- Combine | Declarative API for processing values over time (similar to RxSwift)
- Sourcery | A utility for code generation from custom templates
- Swiftgen | A utility for code generation from app assets (in this case, Localizable.strings)
- CSV2Localizables | Small personal tool to generate from a CSV a Localizable.strings file for each language
- @propertyWrapper | Annotate properties and do magical things ;). Check my article about it.
Demo Video HERE
- API: thanks to NinetyNine
- Images: mostly from seeklogo
- Chart: gpbl/SwiftChart
- Some Combine extensions from GitHubSearchWithSwiftUI