This is an early cut of making some Vim related dotfile love. The idea is to use Git to keep it all in check, and make it easy to fork and amend.
all in this should be simple and easy to use.
installing this is simple. If you haven't got a vim setup going, run from within the repo, or directly by doing:
\curl -sSL | bash
please submit issues or similar if there are any suggestions or requests.
The organization of this folder is pretty simple:
here, there's .vimrc. it's the first point for all of these files
the brains behind the way vundle et al are sourced; this allows for the rest of the plugin system.
- 00_prerequisites.vim - this is for anything that must happen before all else
- 01_defaults.vim - for globally setting anything that helps 'reset' and create a clear setting
- 10_ - currently unused
- 20_ - vundled plugins over all filetypes. colors, comments, syntax.
- 30_ - functions and more complex packages
- 40_ - currently unused
- 50_ - vundled plugins for language and syntax.
- 75_ - utility tools, moving stuff in and out of vim (e.g. stories, or tasks)
- 80_ - disabling stuff and ensuring stuff doesn't get in the way
- 99_template.vim - template file for these here plugin settings
This is an early cut of making some Vim related dotfile love. The idea is to use Git to keep it all in check, and make it easy to fork and amend.
all in this should be simple and easy to use.
Use with love. ❤️