This repository is for anyone to create pull requests during Hacktoberfest 2018, with their name, code samples, etc. Any PRs outside of hacktoberfest will still be considered, but may not count towards your hacktoberfest contributions.
- I'm an example that you can copy, if you want :)
- I work on many things like...
- My hobbies include...
Please read our contributing guidelines before making your pull request.
Please note that this project is released with a Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
How do I track my progress to get an awesome shirt from Hacktoberfest 2018?
- Go to : (Scroll down to Check Out Your Own Stats)
- Web & Mobile App Developer
- Photographer
- Technical Writer
- Open Source Enthusiast
- Worked on React Native, Ionic Framework, AngularJS and Firebase Tools
- Student, NCKU
- I am a Computer Science Student and I worked with Java, Groovy, NodeJs and Python
- I like working with new technologies and keep up to date with new stuff
- Student at UoN participating in Hacktoberfest
- Interested in Cybersecurity
- Student, Self-taught Developer, Aspiring Entreprenuer
- Currently, my team is open to pick projects.
- I am currently work on:
- Android Development
- Nodejs
- Django
- Reactjs.
- .Net Developer
- I am Peruvian
- My hobbies is coding
- Full Javascript
- I am Student
- I am a full Stack Web Developer
- [
] (
- [
] (
- Competietive Coder
- Student, Self taught
- Interest in AI and Deep Learning
- Student at UoR
- Here for Hacktoberfest 2018 @ Thames Tower!
- student
- Interested in Machine Learning and Competative Coding
- Self taught
- Student, Chitkara University
- Self-taught Developer, Aspiring Entreprenuer
- I am currently work on:
- Android Development
- Python
- Machine Learning
- Software Engineer
- Student at Stark State College
- Studing Web Development and Database Administration
- Self taught Android Developer/Enthusiast
- Project Manager
- HTML, CSS, JS enthusiast and trying to learn more languages
- Architect with a love for Coding and 3d modeling software
- First time participating in Hacktoberfest
- Student of Systems Information - UNIEURO
- Sales Intern at Hitachi Vantara Brazil
- Co-Founder at 7Sight Jr.
- Student - Computer Science - University of Portland 21'
- passionate about building things, check out my repos!
- website
- Business Information Technology student from Finland
- Mainly working with web tech such as HTML/CSS/JavaScript(ES6) along with Node.js, React.js, React Native
- Taking my first steps into open source!
- Student of Analysis and Development of Systems - Estácio de Sá University - Last Period
- Programmer at Stefanini - Working with Test Autamatization
- Passionate about Technologies - Java, Ruby, C, C ++, C #, Ruby and Python
- I'm an Android Developer and UI Designer from Zimbabwe
- Currently working as a Freelancer
- Hobbies:
- Basketball
- Chess
- Motorsport Racing
- AI Architect by profession
- !Know more at
- Chemist by profession, wannabe software developer
- Know more at
- Majoring in Computer Science, want to be a web developer.
- I enjoy coding and biking.
- I'm a Science Computing graduating, from Brasil
- About Me: Web developer, Literati, Cinephile, Enthusiast in Psychology and Philosophy, and Cook in my spare time
- I'm a IT student from India
- I build Custom ROM's for my device.
- Also, I am a Front End Web Developer, wannabe Android Developer and Full Stack Web Developer.
- I am a Computer Science Student.
- Hobbies : Programming and travel
- Freelancer
- I'm a junior year student.
- I am an Android Developer. I also work on other technologies such as web development using Django and Machine Learning.
- I like to listen to music while I code.
- I'm a Beginner Front-End Developer, but Middle WordPress Developer from Odessa, Ukraine
- I study JavaScript now.
- I am a young developer in Sri Lanka
- I'm currently a undergraduate
- My hobbies include:
- Coding
- Gaming
- Nature Photography
- I am a young developer in Sri Lanka
- I'm currently a undergraduate
- My hobbies include:
- Coding
- Gaming
- Nature Photography
- I am a student, developer and data science lover from Saint-Petersburg, Russia
- Currently an undergraduate
- My hobbies include:
- Coding
- Listening to and playing music
- I am a young developer in India
- I'm currently a undergraduate
- My hobbies include:
- I'm cuerrently a student at IIT Guwahati, India.
- My passions are:-
- Python Developer
- DL enthusuiast
- Open Source Freak (Have worked in SymPy..!)
- I'm currently an undergraduate at Lovely Professional University, India.
- My Interests are:-
- Android Developer
- Music
- coding
- Grad Student
- OpenSource Enthusiast
- Software Engineer, and Cyber Security Enthusiast from India
- Say Hi to me
- My hobbies include:
- Coding
- Gaming
- Photography
- Interested in Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- Junior Undergraduate at IIT-BHU Varanasi
- Hobbies: Quizzing, reading, listening to classical music
- I am a young Software Engineer and a ML Enthusiast in India
- I'm currently a undergraduate
- My hobbies include:
- Coding
- Gaming
- Machine Learning fun applications
- I am a Computer Science student and love programming in java.
- I love making alexa skills and actions on google.
- My hobbies include...
- Software Engineer, Gamer and Machine Learning Enthusiast
- Hobbies:
- Programming
- Gaming
- Netflix
- Works with .NET, .NET Core, Ionic and Angular
- New to open source
- Web Developer with experience in SEO and digital marketing
- Currently looking for a junior-level job in Chicago - want to be part of an awesome team!
- Hobbies:
- Outdoors
- Guitar
- Golf
- !Know more at
- Final Year Computer Engineering student from Concepción, Chile
- Raspberry Pi Enthusiast
- First time participating in Hacktoberfest
- I am a young developer in England interested in node.js, python, C, and front-end web development frameworks
- I'm currently a student!
- My hobbies include:
- Coding
- Gaming
Having a social life
- I am a young developer in India interested in c++,html/css,java(android).
- I'm currently a computer science student!
- My hobbies include:
- Coding
- Gaming
- I am Computer Science Student and I code in Java, C and C++.
- I Love competitive coding and android development.
- Mid age back-end developer, JPA, Spring Boot, Hibernate and Angular
- Student, going from life on the road to life at a computer
- My hobbies include:
- Travelling (Backpacking)
- Fishing
- Coding
- I'm Brian Burress, IT consultant with The Byte Stuff
- Currently learning to program under Adruino IDE as well as design simple circuits
- High school student in IT
- I'm a Front-End developer and work with React, React Native, Angular, AngularJS, ES6, CSS3, HTML5, UX and others technologies.
- I'm a simple teenage programmer. I write code mainly in C# and Java. I know Crystal (and others) too!
- Currently i'm in high school, but in meanwhile i'm trying to write something usewfull.
- Long time coder
- First time public contributor
- Looking forward to many more to come :)
- Self-study student, learning on a budget
- Grow with Google Udacity scholar for Android Basics Nanodegree
- New to open source, looking to get experienced
- Self-study and University Freshman, learning through open source projects and class projects
- Currently learning task automation with Python, deb development, and Android development.
- Java, Python, JS
- Student of Development of multiplatform applications - Last year.
- Working in the Povisa hospital (Programming and systems).
- Lover of programming, drums, cars, ping-pong and anime.
- First Year Student
- Interested in development, machine learning.
- Lover of programming, Greek mythology, Marvel.
- Furry
- Programming as a hobby for half a decade
- Cover Site
- Front end web developer in the US.
- Interested in design, development, email, and the web at large.
- Learning all about PR's and open source.
- I used to be a chef, now i Study Computer Science at the University of Auckland
- I am learning to code in python at the moment
- Interested in information security
- I'm a student from the United States
- I like Java and maybe Python if I'm feeling good on a certain day
- Also interested in front-end web development
- I'm a CSE student studying at NITK Surathkal.
- I am interested in Machine Learning, Deep Learning and have been working on related projects.
- Have worked on Android and Web Development also
- Computer Science student
- Some of my hobbies include photography, math, writing code, video games and writing letters
- ![instagram-alt][instagram-img]
- I'm a Computer Science student and a Machine Learning enthusiast
- I'm presently working on Deep Learning and Social Network Analysis
- Self-taught full-stack developer from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Interested in everything JavaScript, Python and Kotlin.
- Numerical developer at ESSS, DSc student at (brazilian) National Laboratory for Scientific Computing
- Scientific Python and Fortran programmer, and I love it! Computational Thermodynamics and Finite Elements.
- I love games, play bass guitar and eletric guitar.
- I'm a mathematics student from Saint-Petersburg,Russia
- I'm interested in C++, math, football and video games.
- Full Stack Python develop from Ukraine 🐍
- My website
- Computer Science Trainee, Germany
- Aspiring Game Dev, Python developer, love algorithms
- I'm a student and I'm in last year of highschool.
- I'm interested in competitive programming, physics, calculus and tech stuff.
- I also like listening to music and playing games.
- Software Engineer by day, Crime-Fighting Masked Vigilante by night
- Passionate about exploring how we can leverage tech for social justice and for the benefit of all, not the few
- Computer Science Undergrad @ Shiv Nadar University
- Budding Software Developer, good with mobile development :)
- I like gaming, and watching Pro-Wrestling
- Student at University of Florida for Computer Engineering
- Interest in embedded systems and circuit design
- Computer Engineering Student at UFPE
- Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 5 Intern
- Love to code and to play video games (can't wait for Kingdom Hearts 3!)
- I don't need a weapon. My friends are my power!
- Computer Maintenance and Support Technician by IFPB;
- Graduating in Computer Science at the UFCG;
- Paraíba, Brazil <3
- i'm Undergraduate from KIT,Kanpur
- Begineer in opensource (
- Hello, im college student in State University of Surabaya, Indonesia. Still on second year. Interested in UX Design and Android.
- Interested in figuring out how to turn Data into Information, primarily to improve customer experiences on the web.
- Permission Marketing FTW! (Just never at the cost of privacy invasion.)
- I share as I learn at DIY DS and DIY CS on instagram.
- Started from the bottom, now we here:
- Student of Information Systems and I love datas.
- I'm a researcher in Data Science and study a analytical solution to the research scenery of the University of the State of the Bahia and scenery of the arboviroses.
- Software Developer who loves developing web and mobile. Always learning something new.
- My hobbies include...
- Software Developer who loves numbers, calculus and statistics.
- Java and .NET developer.
- MS SQL Server data
- I am an Undergraduate .
- I like competitive programming.
- I am Software enginner and student
- Working on javascript technologies and can code in Angular/React, NodeJS, ExpressJS, KoaJS
- I am a young developer in india
- I'm currently a student!
- I'm a first year computer science student from IIIT Bangalore :)
- Hobbies: coding, singing, dancing, sketching.
- Student
- Self-taught
- PHP Dev
- [
- Software developer -Currently working on Android apps
- I'm a Full stack web developer and a Engineerisng Student.
- I do freelance projects and involve myself in internships.
- Python Programmer and Web BackEnd Dev
- college students, Open Source Enthusiast
- My hobbies is coding, eat and sleep
- Android Developer
- Software engineer from rural area in Indonesia
- My hoby is coding and watching anime
- I'm a mathematics student.
- I'm interested in data science.
- My hobbies include gaming and listening to classical music.
- I'm a student from Brazil
- Bachelor student in information systems
- Interested in node, ionic, angular, Machine learning and AI.
- I like Python and Java.
- My first Hacktoberfest!
- I'm a frontend developer
- Bachelor student in information systems
- Interest in javascript
- My first Hacktoberfest!
- studying in KIT ,Kanpur
- wordpress developer
- Blogger
- Software Engineer at Dwarves Foundation
- Really likes Algorithms and Data Structure
- Also interested in Machine Learning
- Front End Dev
- Proud UCLA Alumni
- I listen to Polyphia when I code
- A medical graduate and Engineering Student
- Interested in healthcare and AI for social good
- I mainly code in Python
- First Hacktoberfest as well!
- An Undergraduate Engineering Student
- Interest Anything that involves Code
- I love Python And C++
- First Hacktoberfest
- I am a full-stack web developer currently living in Los Angeles
- First Hacktoberfest
- Linux user (Ubuntu 18.04LTS)
- JavaScript enthusiast
- Looking to learn Python
- I am a Spanish CS student and developer.
- I like Java and Python.
- I am looking foward learning Django.
- I'm a Brazilian Electrical Engineer student and Friends lover, by the way, How u doin'? ;)
- My hobbies include: - Watching spanish TV shows (please watch Gran Hotel); - Listening to music.
- I'm a Brazilian computer science student ;) -a little about myself : -I love programming, I like AI content and IT related areas.
- (_)
- I'm a computer science graduate student
- I am a total noob
- I am takin part in hacktoberfest for the first time
- I'm a computer science graduate student
- I am a web developer/API/Integration Engineer
- I am also GitHub Campus Expert , I have interest in AI.
- I'm a CS bachelor student at University Milano Bicocca
- This is my frist Hacktoberfest ever
- Recently took part at Campus Party in Milan (CPIT2)
- An Cybersecurity undergraduate.
- I am currently a student. I love webdev.
- I know HTML, CSS and Javascript.
- DevOps Engineer
- Taking part in my first Hacktoberfest
- I am currently a high school student.
- I love robotics, programming, and web-development.
- I also like playing the cello, watching shows on Netflix, and cooking.
- AI/ML enthusiast
- High-functioning Autistic
- I love languages, both the people kind and the computer kind
- I prefer the computer kind
- and cats.
- Fullstack Javascript Developer
- Bootcamp Grad -> Currently @ TDSecurities
- Learning Golang/Python and very interested in weareables/Fitness Tech
- Software Developer
- Currently an intern @ BloomSolutions
- Likes to code!
- Happy Hacktoberfest 2018 everyone!
- I am made of star stuff who loves astronomy, bodybuilding and web development.
- Interior design aficionado
- I am a 25-year-old from the United States of America, and I recently moved with my husband to Barcelona, Spain.
- As part of the move I have decided to pursue coding as a new career!
- I am working toward a junior-level position doing front-end work with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.
- My other hobbies include reading, rock climbing, and re-watching 30 Rock and The Office 😜
- I'm a 25 year old from Singapore.
- I love working with React.js, Typescript, tinkering with new technologies.
- I'm a software developer from Germany
- I like Lord of the Rings
- I'm a brazilian student trying his best in this little world, information security enthusiast when I have time.
- Studying Information Systems on UFV-CRP.
- I like Games, coffe, security related stuff.
- I'm taking the 4th period of the course in computer science.
- I'm Brazilian and I'm 18 years old.
- I love programming in C#, Java, Python and Javascript.
- My hobbies include:
- read books
- play games(lol: pod1, csgo: grandmasterflashdj)
- I'm graduated in business management, and now I pursue a carreer as a developer. Hope I can do it :)
- I like doing some stuff on Photoshop and play guitar in my spare time.
- Software Developer
- I enjoy coding, gaming and solving puzzles
- First time contributing to Hacktoberfest!
- Software Consultant, Developement
- I like to find the pain point to give gain point
- First time contributing to Hacktoberfest!
- Pyhton Devloper
- Love coding, eating and sleeping
- Open Source enthusiastic
- ![hackerrank-alt][hackerrank-img]
- Pursuing Master in Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
- Love tech, learn tech, use tech, teach tech.
- Student,At Chandigarh University , tech enthusiast.
- Currently, I am Campus Ambassador at HackerEarth.
- I am love to take challenges!!
- I work for REA ( and am a junior Ruby developer.
- I am a senior studying Web Development and Computer Science.
- I currently have an internship as a software engineer at SciTools.
- I am a Blockchain Developer and Automation Architect.
- My hobbies inlcude exploring new stuff in the Blockchain Space, prior to that exploring anything in technology space
- I am a first year computer science student at Model Engineering College
- My hobbies include playing the uke,gaming
- I am web developer in the Boston, MA area
- I recently completed a full stack web developer boot camp. We used the MERN stack.
- I am a first year university student and those are my first steps in GitHub.
- Just a Noob
- I love Computer Science and Sports.
- I am a high school graduate.
- I love AI, programming and web development.
- I love playing and making games.
- I am an undergraduate.
- I love AI, programming and web development.
- I love playing games and waching movies.
- I'm a cat loving underwater gardener
- Currently studying web development at a coding bootcamp
- I love gaming and hope to become a game dev!
- Electrical engineering student
- A fair bit rusty in coding, hope to get back into it
- Computer engineering student at UFPE
- The future is female!
- 1st year CS major at Georgia Tech
- MERN full stack, primary interest in backend APIs
- Node.js, Java, Bash, Swift
- blue team SecOps girl, psychology masters student
- I love social engineering and learning new tech (need to get confidence in coding)
- [
- I'm a brazilian software developer, IoT enthusiast and currently front-end engineer. I am starting a fresh new project called JegueCast, a personal localhost video streaming service.
- I am currently a student in highschool.
- I love physics, technology and IT-related stuff.
- I also like listening to music and watching movies.
- junior software engineer, currently computer science student based in Nigeria
- I've experience on:
- html5,
- css3,
- javascript,
- python,
- java,
- sql,
- visual basic,
- oop,
- php,
- data structure
- and algorithm
- My hobbies include break dance, food, computer game, waching movie
- [
]( michael)
- student in Information Technology in university of moratuwa .
- I like going around the world, and freedom in mind.
- Bachelor student in information systems and experience with Pentaho suite.
- I like movies, series, electronic games, board games, RPG and beer.
- Bachelor student in Computer Science Engineering at MAIT.
- I like movies, TV-series,reading books and listening songs.
- Developper as a hobby since 1996, professionaly since 2005.
- Bass player, I also love reading, photography and beer.
- I'm a Full Stack Developer, Technical Evangelist and Open Source enthusiast.
- I like to speak at conferences, events and meet-ups.
- I love ML
- I make apps with flutter and RN
- I am a young developer in Sri Lanka
- I'm currently a undergraduate
- My hobbies include:
- Coding
- Gaming
- Nature Photography
I'm from Indonesia
I'm a student at electronics engineering polytechnic institute of surabaya (eepis)
Interest :
- Machine Learning
- Data Science
- Front end
- I am a student majoring in software engineering.
- I like getting better at coding and board games!
- I am a software enthusiast , laravel addict and love solving real life scenarios using the computer.
- Know more at
- I am a third year university student and those are my first steps in GitHub.
- I love Mathematics, good food and OOP. I am currently studying Haskell, my first functional programming language.
- [
] (
- I am a software enthusiast , laravel addict and love solving real life scenarios using the computer.
- Know more at
- I am a CS student just started learning the programming language C / C++.
- I love Electronics,Mathematics and Information Technology.
- I'm a full stack Blokchain and NodeJS Developer.
- I'm a huge Manchester United fan and an avid traveller.
- I'm a student of software development.
- interest in maths,computer science,logical reasoning with tricks.
- believes in innovations with new ideas.
- i like to play chess also.
- i like to do code.
- I'm a Information Engineering student of KMITL from Thailand.
- I love coding, basketball and Dark color of terminal.
- I am a student at ILovely Professional University persuingmy B.Tech degree in computer science.
- I am very much passionate about programming.
- I am a member of Microsoft Technical Community , LPU
- Computer science student!
- Programming, Outdoors, Biking
- Starving for Bachelor in Pharmacy but born to be a progammer
- Self declared ethical hacker, coder
- I work with Java, C, Linux
- Termux is love❤ to the core!
- I am a student studying in university currently 3rd year in Electronics and Communication Engineering.
- Interested in Web Design, Android Development and MATLAB.
- You can find my portfolio at (
- I'm pursuing B.Tech for Mechanical Engineering at VIT University,Vellore even though I love Computer Science
- I love programming and currently learning Android App Development
- My hobbies include programming, listening to songs, walking
- Student pursuing B.S. in Computing Security.
- Passionate about learning and coding useful things.
- I enjoy python and making things more efficient.
- I am from Mechanical but want to start carrier in software development
- Passionate about Technologies - Java, C, C ++, Android
- Software Developer, MSc in Software Engineering
- Area of interest - Software Architecture and Design, Web Development/Web Services
- Student
- Languages: C, C++, Java, Python, JS, Kotlin
- My hobbies: Programming, CTF and Music (Guitar classic)
| My website
- Love to code JavaScript.
- React,Redux,NodeJS,ExpressJS,MongoDB
- JavaScript Student,
- Currently, Doing My nano Degree Form Udacity.
- I am currently Learn on:
- Nodejs
- JavaScript
- Reactjs.
- Computer Science Undergraduate
- I am a volunteer of Google Developers Group Bhubaneswar(GDGBBSR)
- Current Working on:
- Java.
- Android.
- Reactjs.
- Python.
- I am a recent graduate from University and recently started my career as a developer.
- I volunteer with High School students teaching them programming and robotics.
- I will have each of them participate in Hacktoberfest tonight!!
- I am a recent medicine graduate and have been programming in R for the past three years!
- I also work on cell morphology and I also teach biology to high school students.
- I'm an Electronic Engineer and busy with a Masters degree in Machine Learning
- Currently learning the Rust programming language
- Computer Science Graduate from India
- Software Engineer
- Open Source Contributor
- Love working with javaScript and Python
- Currently working on
- NodeJS
- MeteorJS
- ReactJS
- AngularJS
- MongoDB
- Python
- and sometimes Java
- Aspiring Cyber Security Analyst
- Intrest in Blockchain
- Hobbies:
- Playing Basketball
- Learning New Things
- I'm an undergraduate from Punjab engineering college
- My favourite programming language is C++ and I'm a sport programmer.
- I'm a bit curious and good listner.
- I work on c, python and java.
- My hobbies include: working on AI, swimming, playing football etc...
- I'm an Information Security Engineer.
- I'm a back end programmer.
- My current programming language is Python.
- Second year CS student at GVP, Vizag.
- Just learned frontend development
- Hobbies:
- Coding
- Writing
- Cooking
- Cricket
- I'm a brazilian from Curitiba, PR and I'm 35 years old
- I'm graduated from college in internet systems
- I'm unemployed at the moment and would like to work as a developer
- Hobbies:
- Study programming
- Play video game with my son
- Software Developer born in Germany raised in the UK. 🇩🇪 🇬🇧
- Hobbies include:
- Coding
- Tinkering
- Photography
- Gastronomy
- Electronics Engineering student
- I like watching T.V. shows and youtube videos, playing table tennis and eating donuts.
- Full Stack Developer, uses ML at times
- I am currently working on:
- Django, Python, JavaScript
- Machine Learning (sklearn, scipy, numpy...)
- Firebase
- Final Year CS Student,Kolkata
- Learned Full Stack Development,Linux Lover
- Aspiring Data Scientist
- Tools: Git,NodeJS,MongoDB,React-Native
- Intrests: Machine Learning,Cloud Computing
- Language: JavaScript,Python,C
- Hobbies:
- Coding
- Photography
- Geek
- Cricket
- I am a backend developer in Java
- I like to delve in other languages like Python and Go
- My hobbies are reading and photography
- Freelance Writer, WordPress Developer, Linux Geek
- Hobbies:
- Writing
- Coding
- D.I.Y.
- Martial arts
- Spirituality
- Badminton
- Front End Web Developer
- Open Source Enthusiast & I love to learn new things
- I have two hobbies: Code & Workout!
- Computer science student
- Learner
- You will see me in coming years
-- Full stack developer
-- From Ukraine
-- [] (
- Software Engineer from PH
- [
] (
- Softie Engineer
- [
] (
- recent CS grad teaching at The Coding Space
- ⛽☕
- ❤️ 🎮survivio
- Student of Computer Science at the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG).
- Undergrad IIITian, Self-taught Developer and Competetive coder, Machine Learning enthusiast
- Loves poetry
- Front-end Engineer
- Hobbies:
- Coding 🔥
- Memes 😂
- Reading 📖
- Computer Science Graduate student at The University of Texas at Arlington
- Hobbies:
- Coding
- Tennis
- Racquetball
- I am a student at IIT university of Dhaka.
- I love working with web, networking and security
- Hobbies:
- Piano
- Martial arts
- Football
- I am a student at San Jose State Univ
- I am a Java Developer
- I am a Senior Software Specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the insurance industry.
- Skilled in Agile Methodologies (Scrum&Kanban), Test Automation, PL/SQL, Python, and MongoDB.
- I am an undergraduate student.
- I just love coding and currently working on Web Designing projects.
- Besides coding, I love to read novels and explore different places.
- I am a web developer
- Hobbies : Programming, Sports, Playing guitar
- I am a student pursuing Computer Science
- Hobbies : Programming and travel
- I am a 2nd yr CS graduate at GVP college of engg.
- I love to play football.
- i am intersted in web development
- I am a machine learning enthusiast working on neutral nets and GAN.
- I am working on Angular , Tensorflow and Python.
- I am a 2nd yr CS graduate at Delhi technological university.
- I love football and problem solving(CP).
- giving a try to open source.
- I am an CS Undergrad.
- I am fascinated by the problem solving and comptetive programming.
- Apart from CP , I am a big fan of Machine Learning and TV shows like Silicon Valley.
- I am an Undergrad.
- I am fascinated by the concept of Machine Learning and AI.
- Apart from such inriguing concepts, I am a big fan of Data Science and reading fiction novels.
- Student participating in Hacktoberfest
- Interested in Science and Technology
- I'm a computer science student.
- I am Interested in Web Development.
- I love designing frontend Webpages and Coding.
- I'm a web developer and a high school student.
- I do freelance projects and involve myself in internships.
- I am a python developer.
- Machine Learning enthusiast
- Fourth year student in Computer Science.
- you can check my site
- I am Civil Engineering student at IIT ROORKEE.
- I love to code and develop some some cool stuf.
- I am a tech enthusiast.
- I am a young developer in India
- I'm currently an undergraduate for Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Engineering
- My hobbies include:
- Coding
- Theater
- Nature Photography
- Javascript, Java, React
- [
- I'm a fullstack web developer
- currently work in e-commerce
- My hobbies include reading, watch movies, draw and sleeping
- I'm a contributor and web developer
- I study Electronics and Communication Engineering
- My hobbies include coding, debating and acting
- A Computer Science Student at Lehman College and a Software Engineer
- I love Wed Development and Android Development
- Cuerrently a Software Engineer Intern at NYC Human Resources Administration
- My hobbies includes
coding / learning new technologies
,gym / baseball
andvisiting new places
- I'm a contributor.
- I study Electronics and Computer Engineering.
- My hobbies include reading and sleeping.
- Sports programmer.
- New to open source development.
- My hobbies are playing football and listening to music.
- I am Computer Science Student and self taught full stack web developer specializing mostly in JavaScript/Node.js but also work with PHP. 😎
- Newbie trying to learn some basic programming with no background
- Came across Hacktoberfest on freecodecamp
- Makes candles, writes letters and utterly random
- Programmer
- Student at IIIT-Delhi, India
- I am studying Computer Science Engineering
- My hobbies are Competitive Programming, Android App Dev, and sleeping ofc.
- Software Developer, Andela Uganda
- I am a Front End Developer
- I develop in Python, HTML,CSS and Jvascript
- I am a Computer Science Student and I worked with C++ and Python
- I like working with new technologies and keep up to date with new stuff
- 21 years old and i love to code
- Currently studying Software Engineering at University of Athens
- Interested in big creative projects
- I am a web developer.
- I like to listen to music while I code.
- I am a high school student from the UK.
- I'm a massive fan of Twenty One Pilots and i'm hoping to see them sometime in the future!
- I am a web developer.
- Aside from coding, I love classical music, travelling, baking, aviation, and photography.
- 19 yea old hobby developer
- I work for a small IT service company in germany
- My hobbies include reading, gaming, programming and scouts
- Software Engineer based in Prague
- Originally from KL, Malaysia
- Dabbles quite a bit in NodeJS and some Angular
- Hobbies :- Travelling, Reading, Eating
- I'm an Information Technology third year student
- ❤️ for tech and passionate about how it influences our everyday lives
- An Open Source developer with a knack for machine learning
- Past Intern at OpenGenus Organisation
- Expert in Kaggle
- Frontend Web Developer
- Languages: HTML, Javascript, CSS, C#, PHP
- Hobbies
- Gaming
- Traveling
- Photography
- Front-End Developer & Designer
- Programming Languages: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Java, Python.
- Fav Hobbies <3 :
- Playing the drums.
- Skateboarding.
- Creating cool apps.
- Student at University West (Sweden)
- Hobbies: gem cutting, coding and spending time in the nature
Student of Btech, computer science & engineering
I am learning android development.
Languages :- C++ and Java mainly.
Student of B.Tech, Information Technology
Working on front end development.
Interested in Machine Learning and Cyber Security.
Languages :- C/C++, Python, JavaScript.
- Student of Btech, computer science & engineering
- I have been working on cyber security since 2 years.
- Languages :- C++ and Python mainly.
- I am currently work on:
- Data science
- Sniffing device's traffic
- Coding
- Developer, Team Lead, Farther
- Blog
- Competitive Programmer
- Area of Interest : Data Structures, Data Science
- Web Developer
- Reads, Writes, Travels
- Software Engineer
- Interest : Machine Learning
- Teaching software development on youtube
- Digital Painting
- I'm a French C++ developer.
- I'm a volunteer developer for a fangame project.
- I also like video games (I hope to become a professional game dev) and metal music.
- Im a student at Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji
- Programmer, 3D Designer, UI/UX
- Dota never END :v
- not a talented programmer
- I like translating stuff and am currently able to do so in German, English and French
- Im from Colombia .student of programing, junior web Developer, in Vue Js, Node... Javascript is amazing
- I am a Software Engineer
- Interests: Linux System Administration, Cloud Computing
- Community Leader, Docker Jaipur; Core Team Member, PyJaipur
- I am a Student Now studying in university currently 3rd year in Computer Science.
- Interested in Web Design, Illustration.
- I also did some small poject, mostly in (i order of frequency):
- Processing
- Python
- Java
- C++
- I am a second-year graduate student major in Computer Science in University of Southern California
- Interested in Web Development, Android development and Data Visualization
- I am a first year university student and those are my first steps in GitHub.
- I love Mathematics, good food and OOP. I am currently studying Haskell, my first functional programming language.
- I am Computer Science Student and I speak Java, Node and Go.
- I Love System Design and Learning new Tech. Currently I do Go.
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