A blazingly fast implementation of the justified layout gallery view popularized by Flickr, written in Rust and exported to WebAssembly. Capable of processing hundreds of thousands of boxes in under a millisecond, or 10 million boxes in under 50ms.
npm i @immich/justified-layout-wasm
Note that you will need to have both WebAssembly ESM integration and possibly top-level await configured for your project. For Vite, this means using vite-plugin-wasm and possibly vite-plugin-top-level-await.
Additionally, you should exclude this package from dependency optimization as it may interfere with the initialization of the Wasm module. For Vite, this means using the optimizeDeps.exclude
field in vite.config.js
optimizeDeps: {
exclude: ['@immich/justified-layout-wasm'],
Usage as a native Rust library for non-Wasm targets is not yet supported.
npm run build
import { JustifiedLayout } from '@immich/justified-layout-wasm';
const boxes = [{ width: 160, height: 90 }, { width: 200, height: 100 }, { width: 90, height: 160 }];
const aspectRatios = new Float32Array(boxes.map(({ width, height }) => width / height));
const layout = new JustifiedLayout(aspectRatios, {
rowHeight: 250, // the target height for each row
rowWidth: 600, // the target width for each row
spacing: 4, // spacing between boxes
heightTolerance: 0.1, // allows increasing the height of a row by a certain percentage (10% here) when it doesn't fill the target row width at the target height
// maximum width across all rows, used to determine the width of the component containing these rows
const containerWidth = layout.containerWidth;
// total height needed to display all rows, used to determine the height of the component containing these rows
const containerHeight = layout.containerHeight;
for (let i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
// you can use these values to position each box accordingly
const top = layout.getTop(i);
const left = layout.getLeft(i);
const width = layout.getWidth(i);
const height = layout.getHeight(i);
PR's are welcome! Also feel free to reach out to the team on Discord.
However, it should be noted that the de#tent of this package is to be minimal and high performance. As such, there is limited scope for additional features.