To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
Setup with your API key first.
let news: News = News(apiKey: "your-api-key")
Returns breaking news headlines for a country and category, or currently running on a single or multiple sources.
let options: [QueryOptions] = [
news.get(.topHeadlines, with: options, headlinesCompletion: { [weak self] (headlines, error) in
if let headlines = headlines, let articles = headlines.articles {
The NewsAPI indexes every recent news and blog article published by over 50,000 different sources large and small, and you can search through them with this endpoint.
let options: [QueryOptions] = [
.domains(["", ""]),
news.get(.everything, with: options, headlinesCompletion: { [weak self] (headlines, error) in
if let headlines = headlines, let articles = headlines.articles {
Returns information (including name, description, and category) about the most notable sources the NewsAPI indexes.
let options: [QueryOptions] = [
news.get(.sources, with: options, sourcesCompletion: { [weak self] (sources, error) in
if let sources = sources {
The available query options for filtering results.
/// Keywords or a phrase to search for.
case query(String)
/// Keywords or phrases to search for in the article title only.
case titleQuery(String)
/// The news sources or blogs you want headlines from.
case sources([String])
/// Domains (eg,, to restrict the search to.
case domains([String])
/// Domains (eg,, to remove from the results.
case excludeDomains([String])
/// A date and optional time for the oldest article allowed.
case fromDate(Date)
/// A date and optional time for the newest article allowed.
case toDate(Date)
/// Code of the language you want to get headlines for.
case language(Language)
/// The order to sort the articles in.
case sortBy(SortOptions)
/// The category you want to get headlines for.
case category(Category)
/// The code of the country you want to get headlines for.
case country(Country)
/// The number of results to return per page (request). 20 is the default, 100 is the maximum.
case pageSize(Int)
/// Use this to page through the results if the total results found is greater than the page size.
case page(Int)
NewsAPI is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SwiftNewsAPI'
NewsAPI is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.