Using Star Wars GraphQL API, create an informative mobile app that delights Star Wars fans! This will be your opportunity to showcase something you pride yourself on. This could be code organization, animation, testing, UX, UI, app performance, etc. You have as much time as you want to complete the challenge; however, we recommend no more than a few hours. We don't expect a production grade application, just a demonstration of your coding strengths. Play to your strengths with what you choose to build.
- Visualize an Entity details.
- Visualize Entity Connections
- Search
- Rate Star Wars Characters
- Vehicle E-Commerce
- Planet Tourism Brochure
git clone{GH_USERNAME}/ih-mobile-challenge.git
This is an Expo project created with create-expo-app
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the app
npx expo start
In the output, you'll find options to open the app in a
- development build
- Android emulator
- iOS simulator
- Expo Go, a limited sandbox for trying out app development with Expo
You can start developing by editing the files inside the app directory. This project uses file-based routing.
When you're ready, run:
npm run reset-project
This command will move the starter code to the app-example directory and create a blank app directory where you can start developing.
To learn more about developing your project with Expo, look at the following resources:
- Expo documentation: Learn fundamentals, or go into advanced topics with our guides.
- Learn Expo tutorial: Follow a step-by-step tutorial where you'll create a project that runs on Android, iOS, and the web.
Join our community of developers creating universal apps.
- Expo on GitHub: View our open source platform and contribute.
- Discord community: Chat with Expo users and ask questions.