PHP wrapper that uses tuanle618/neural-net-art-generator to generate neural art automatically.
Take a look at tuanle618/neural-net-art-generator for information on how tuanle618/neural-net-random-art works.
- To generate images, call upon the GenerateImagesAction class:
//Instantiate the class
$imageProcess = new GenerateImagesAction();
//Optionally set the image size
//Execute the process.
//You can pass an optional Int paramter if you'd like to generate more than 1 image
- Once you've generated your images, call upon the ParseGeneratedImageResultsAction class to extract the absolute paths for each generated image:
//Instantiate the class
$pathProcess = new ParseGeneratedImageResultsAction();
// Using the $imageProcess object from the previous step, pass the output and (Symfony Process) current working
// directory.
$pathProcess->execute($imageProcess->getOutput(), $imageProcess->getWorkingDirectory());
//The about method will return an array of paths for each generated image
[0] => results/RGB_generated1.png
[1] => results/RGB_generated2.png
[2] => results/RGB_generated3.png
And that's it. You can manipulate the generated images further from this point however you like.