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Welcome to Cricket Weapon, an e-commerce shopping app built using the MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) stack and Material-UI (MUI) for the user interface. This project provides both normal user and admin modes, offering a wide range of features to enhance the shopping experience.
Email (Normal User) | Password | Email (Admin) | Password |
user2@gmail.com | user1234 | admin@gmail.com | admin@123 |
user3@gmail.comm | user1234 | admin01@gmail.com | user1234 |
Cloudinary is used for image management and hosting. Follow these steps to configure Cloudinary for your project.
- Create a Cloudinary account here.
- Create a new Cloudinary project.
- Go to the dashboard and copy the cloud name, API key, and API secret.
- Stripe is used for payment processing. Follow these steps to configure Stripe for your project.
- Create a Stripe account here.
- Go to the dashboard and copy the publishable key and secret key.
- Nodemailer is used for sending emails. Follow these steps to configure Nodemailer for your project.
- Create a Gmail account here.
- Go to the account settings and enable the Less Secure App Access.
- Go to the dashboard and copy the email and password.
- Go to .env file and save SMTP_MAIL and SMTP_PASS.
- If you are using Gmail, you can directly copy the email and password. If you are using any other email service, you need to copy the SMTP host, port, and service.
- Repl
- MongoDB is used for storing data. Follow these steps to configure MongoDB for your project.
- Create a MongoDB account here.
- Create a new project and cluster.
- Go to the dashboard and copy the connection string.
- Go to .env file and save DB_LINK.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/MehraDevesh2022/CricketWeapon-Store.git cd CricketWeapon-Store
Install dependencies:
npm install cd frorntend npm install cd ..
Create a
folder inside the backend directory of the project and then create a.env
file inside theconfig
folder and add the following:PORT = 5000 DB_LINK ="mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>@<cluster-url>/<database-name>?retryWrites=true&w=majority" NODE_ENV = production JWT_SECRET = <jwt-secret-key> JWT_EXPIRE = 5d COOKIE_EXPIRE = 5 SMTP_HOST=smtp.gmail.com SMTP_PORT=465 SMTP_SERVICE = gmail SMTP_MAIL = <smtp-email> SMTP_PASSWORD = <smtp-password> SMTP_PASS = <smtp-password> CLOUDINARY_NAME = <cloudinary-name> API_KEY = <api-key> API_SECRET = <api-secret> CLOUDINARY_URL=cloudinary://<api-key>:<api-secret>@<cloudinary-name> FRONTEND_URL = http://localhost:3000 STRIPE_API_KEY = <stripe-api-key> STRIPE_SECRET_KEY = <stripe-secret-key>
Run the app:
cd backend && npm start
Feature | Description |
User Authentication | OAuth with JWT for secure user login and registration |
Password Reset | Reset password via email with reset link |
Profile Management | Update user profile details (email, name, password, picture) |
Shopping Cart | Add items to the cart and apply coupon codes |
Product Review | Logged-in users can review products |
Shipping Options | Specify shipping area for product delivery |
Order Tracking | Track the status of orders |
Payment Gateway | Secure payment processing via Stripe |
Contact Form | Contact form for user assistance |
Saved Addresses | Save multiple shipping addresses |
Advanced Search | Filter products by price range, category, and rating |
State Management | Global state management with Redux |
Feature | Description |
Admin Dashboard | Access to an admin-only dashboard |
User Management | View and manage users (delete, promote to admin) |
Product Management | Edit and create products, manage stock levels |
Review Management | View and delete product reviews |
Order Management | View all orders, and can manage them |
Role-Based Permissions | Restrict admin features based on roles |
Order Approval Workflow | Set up approval process for Update status of order |
Feature | Description |
Wishlist | Create and manage wishlists for products |
Product Recommendations | Receive suggestions for related products |
Product Comparisons | Compare product specifications side by side |
Social Sharing | Share favorite products on social media |
Feature | Description |
Sales Analytics | Gain insights into sales trends and popular products |
Dynamic Coupons | Create and manage targeted coupons |
User Analytics | Track user engagement and activity |
Bulk Product Upload | Upload and update multiple products using CSV |
Automated Emails | Send automated emails for order confirmation and updates |
Notification Center | Receive alerts for new orders, low stock, and more |
Data Export | Export data sets (e.g., orders, products) to CSV or Excel |
Product Bundles | Create and manage product bundles |
Dependency | Description |
@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties | Babel plugin for class properties |
@strapi/provider-upload-cloudinary | Cloudinary provider for Strapi uploads |
bcryptjs | Hash passwords before storing |
body-parser | Parse incoming request bodies |
cloudinary | Cloud storage for images and videos |
cookie-parser | Parse Cookie header and populate req.cookies |
cors | Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing |
crypto | Cryptographic functions for Node.js |
crypto-js | JavaScript library for cryptographic operations |
dotenv | Load environment variables from a .env file |
express | Web application framework for Node.js |
express-fileupload | Middleware to handle file uploads in Express |
helmet | Secure HTTP headers middleware |
http-proxy-middleware | Proxy requests in development |
jsonwebtoken | Generate and verify JSON Web Tokens |
jwt-simple | Simple JWT encoding and decoding |
mongoose | MongoDB object modeling tool |
nodemailer | Send email using Node.js |
nodemon | Monitor for changes in source code and restart server |
react-chartjs-2 | React wrapper for Chart.js 2 |
stripe | Payment processing library |
validator | Validate and sanitize user input |
Dependency | Description |
@emotion/react | Emotion library for writing CSS with JavaScript |
@emotion/styled | Styled components using Emotion |
@material-ui/core | UI components library for Material Design |
@material-ui/data-grid | Data grid component for Material-UI |
@material-ui/icons | Material Design icons for React components |
@material-ui/lab | Additional components and utilities for Material-UI |
@mui/icons-material | Material-UI icons for MUI components |
@mui/material | Material-UI components library |
@mui/styles | Styling solution for Material-UI components |
@stripe/react-stripe-js | React components for Stripe's client-side JavaScript library |
@stripe/stripe-js | Stripe's client-side JavaScript library |
@testing-library/user-event | Utilities for simulating events with Testing Library |
axios | Promise-based HTTP client for the browser and Node.js |
highcharts | Interactive JavaScript charting library |
highcharts-react-official | React wrapper for Highcharts library |
node-sass | Sass compiler for Node.js |
react | JavaScript library for building user interfaces |
react-alert | React component for customizable alerts |
react-alert-template-basic | Basic template for react-alert |
react-dom | Entry point to the React DOM library |
react-helmet | Manage document head in React |
react-js-pagination | Pagination component for React |
react-material-ui-carousel | Carousel component for Material-UI |
react-redux | State management library for React |
react-router-dom | Routing library for React applications |
react-scripts | Create React apps with no build configuration |
redux | Predictable state container for JavaScript apps |
redux-devtools-extension | Redux DevTools integration |
redux-thunk | Thunk middleware for Redux |
styled-components | CSS-in-JS library for styling React components |
swiper | Mobile touch slider library |
web-vitals | Library for measuring web performance metrics |
This guide will walk you through the process of hosting your complete MERN stack app on Vercel using the vercel.json
Organize your project with a root directory that contains both frontend and backend folders.
Ensure both backend and frontend directories have all necessary code and dependencies.
Create a
file in the root directory. -
Add the following code to
:{ "version": 2, "builds": [ { "src": "./backend/server.js", "use": "@vercel/node" }, { "src": "./frotend/build", "use": "@vercel/static" } ], "rewrites": [ { "source": "/(.*)", "destination": "/backend/server.js" } ] }
- Note :
- Using this configuration will require you to run npm run build in the frontend directory before deploying to Vercel.
- Ensure your folder structure looks like this:
root ├── backend ├── frontend │ ├── node_modules │ ├── package.json │ ├── build │ └── ... ├── node_modules ├── package.json ├── vercel.json └── ...
- Note :
- Push all your code to GitHub, ignoring the
folder and.env
- Create an account on Vercel if you haven't already.
- Connect your GitHub account to Vercel.
- Create a new project in Vercel.
- Select your GitHub repository (e.g., CricketWeapon-store).
- Configure the project settings:
- Keep the settings as they are.
- Add all your
variables in the Environment Variables section.
- Click on "Deploy" and wait for a few minutes for the deployment process to complete.
- Once the deployment is successful, click on "Visit" to access your live app.
- Congratulations! Your app is now live and accessible.
Contributor |
ImgBotApp |
MehraDevesh2022 |
0dayhunter |