Releases: input-output-hk/jorvit
da3e161 Add configurable fees and init number of leaders
af17c83 Add some more endpoints
7bb0113 Fund - add voting_power_threshold
de9e7f8 Initial commit
aafcd07 Initial version static
169fc80 RFC3339 format for all dates and times
b78a9b1 Readme - initial update
551d92d add a data dumper for vit-service-station-cli
4fe32ec add test cors headers
4068404 add voteplan payload
b09efb6 additional fields - proposer_relevant_experience + proposal_impact_score
bbded67 allow node to be restarted manually
00badbd bft leaders and committee members from args, more configs from args
b2b096b chain_vote_encryption_key added, more config params
1118fd2 clean defual cors configs
0d0b538 cleanup funds data
492af27 commandline additional params
af14601 convert ADA -> Lovelace on import
9349fbd dry run changes
f88d5a8 dry run test data
f584ac9 enable explorer and change slot duration
7bf7938 enhance configurations + init vit-servicing-station management
51c1669 enhance configurations + init vit-servicing-station management
894829d explorer enable cors
50a1d82 fix initial config
d54e191 get payload and action from data files if available
02268f3 get payload and action from data files if available - update assets
5b4bd77 gh actions - add release builder
7028fe7 goreleaser - disable artifact signing
b2067f1 handle empty fund data
a056ae7 include subdirs within assets folder in the release
33ac54c initial version containing vote data
bf94b5c make DateTime format configurable
780cba0 make node log-level configurable from flags
cd3f288 prepare proposal_impact_score to be int from float
b3bb313 proxy overwrite Origin Header
aa66726 remove mnemonics recovery sample wallets
5bf9e5f remove single payload per file limitation
4beed79 score input float output int (float * 100)
8d05835 split goreleaser
c928b4d top up wallets, enhance block0, cors, init prod data dump
cf2d33b update assets
64d32a8 update cors headers - testing only
14cc844 update deps
f5c162c update deps
0d6e663 update deps
c6c97db update deps
5e27d2a update sample assets
59b8903 update voteplan creation
3c5939c update/clean sample assets data
747e8de vit-servicing-station - initial working version