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mBuilder is an ideal tool if you need to build flexible SMS apps and don’t want to spend lots of time building something custom from scratch.


mBuilder is a Ruby on Rails application. It uses/depends on:

  • ruby (= 2.0.0-p353) specified in .ruby-version
  • rails (~> 3.2.17)
  • mysql for storing applications logic
  • delayed_job for running periodic tasks
  • elasticsearch (>= 1.1) for storing application data
  • nuntium for sending/receving sms messages. more
  • guisso (optional) in order to integrate with InSTEDD's Single Sign-On. more
  • resourcemap (optional) in order to read/write data to resourcemap collections. more


  1. Checkout
  2. Setup rails project as usual. $ bundle && rails db:create db:schema:load
  3. Configure Nuntium (optional).
  4. Configure Guisso

Configure Nuntium (optional for dev)

A config/nuntium.yml already exists that uses a development account binding to . Usually this is enough for developping/testing mBuilder in an isolated scenario.

If you want to use a nuntium gateway to send/receive real SMS you will need to setup a nuntium application with a public mbuilder hostname. Or host your own Nuntium server.

Configure Guisso

Guisso, Use InSTEDD Single Sign-On

A config/guisso.yml needs to be create. InSTEDD applications aim to work with a Single Sign-On servise at . A guisso.yml can be downloaded after an application is configured at the Single Sign-On server.

The most common scenario for development is to setup an application with hostname and add the entry to your /etc/hosts. This will allow cookies at * to be shared between login and mBuilder.

Yet mBuilder can be hosted with any hostname.

Use local stored users

All InSTEDD application are also able to run isolated from a login server. In this mode users are managed by devise


Docker development

docker-compose.yml file build a development environment mounting the current folder and running rails in development environment.

Run the following commands to have a stable development environment.

$ docker-compose run --rm --no-deps web bundle install
$ docker-compose up -d db
$ docker-compose run --rm web rake db:setup
$ docker-compose up

To setup and run test, once the web container is running:

$ docker-compose exec web bash
root@web_1 $ rake


powered by capistrano. $ HOSTS=<server> cap deploy.

Configuration files are symlinked in a shared path. check symlink_configs task.